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What If Haven

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A Snippet [06 Jul 2008|09:35pm]
All I have left is my hatred, please don't take that from me. He could remember so clearly when she said it. How she ducked her eyes as if to hide the emotions behind them. The way her hair slipped across her shoulder and he reached out to push it back.

"That's not true," he said the words in the dream state, knowing them in the way that one does when the lines of a scene have been memorized and will never change no matter how many times it is played out. "You still have me and I will never leave you."

He had been true to his word. He didn't leave her. Her hatred took her away. Stole her life as surely as a thief will steal diamonds if they are there to take. And like the note left behind by such a master thief, he had the memory of the night he'd told her that he loved her. Frozen in time to never change and never fade. A poor trade.
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