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What If Haven

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A love letter without a recipient [09 May 2008|07:07pm]
There is a male in my brain writing this for a female.

I know that you have never considered me. Your eyes pass over me without seeing and my name has never passed your lips in my direction and I cannot even begin to think of how much I would enjoy the sweetness of you actually placing your hand upon my skin. What can I say? I have worshipped you from afar and will continue to do so for so long as you draw breath. Soundlessly drinking in your presence and hoping for just one moment that you might look at me with recognition.

Forgive me. I am out of turn. Sweet lady, I only ask that you think of me once for ever million times I think of you.

He'll get fleshed out more soon, I'm sure, but for right now...sappiness abounds.
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[09 May 2008|07:29pm]
For Lee when she gets back tonight. I've gone home. ♥

She turned him about to face her, hands moving slowly to the tie that he'd learned to like in this modern era of guerrilla warfare. It hid the warrior she knew he was and made her smile as she pretended to straighten it. He was fuming at nothing more than a simple conversation. A few words shared by old lovers who were now friends. Should he be so threatened? Should he worry about her straying away from him? Maybe. But that was a very indefinite maybe. She couldn't say whether or not she could do such a thing. She hadn't before and she wasn't ready to try now. He had kept her together when everything was falling to pieces. He was one of her father's favorites, a man that had fought almost to the death to try to save the elder demon and who was now hanging on her words as if they were law though only in public. The commands she passed out were routinely rehearsed behind closed doors and she always asked him for his input. She was never so sure about what she was doing as she had not been granted the gift of leadership as her brother had. She had never been one who could effectively tell others what to do. All her life she had only wanted to be a soldier in her father's great legions, but now the command was being thrust into her hands as if by divine right. She barely slept because she was always so worried about the orders she gave and anytime news returned she was the first to wonder if the deaths had been in vain. Were they doing the right thing by harassing these vampire bastards? Would it end up killing them all eventually? That was what frightened her most and he knew this though she had never actually admitted it.

"You're threatened by him," she whispered as she continued to straighten the tie though she knew it wasn't necessary. As a soldier, he was always neat and pressed. Always so well kept.
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