Whoverse RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Whoverse RPG

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[26 Aug 2008|06:29pm]
Characters: Sally Sparrow, Sarah Jane & Luke Smith (but others are welcome, too)
Day: day 1 - 3 days after the earth returned home
Time of Day: Afternoon
Location: London - Nightingale & Sparrow DVD shop
Rating: probably PG
Thread Status: Pending

life gets interesting again )
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[26 Aug 2008|10:39pm]
Characters: Jack Harkness & open
Day: day 1 - 3 days after the earth returned home
Time of Day: early evening
Location: Cardiff
Rating: probably PG
Thread Status: Pending

Torchwood HUB )
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[ viewing | August 26th, 2008 ]
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