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[14 May 2015|06:43pm]

are any of the people who played in or ran [info]fanglish still around? that was one of the very first pb communities i was in and i loved it. idk why but i've been really missing it lately. i had several characters but my main one was a werewolf bookstore owner.
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[12 May 2015|10:34pm]
Who was the original Ian at [info]erotically there was a group of us.. .Sara Canning, Nina Dobrev and then the Ian Somerhalder.
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[25 Apr 2015|11:36pm]

[info]christopherl, are you around anymore? you are tremendously missed.
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help omg [10 Apr 2015|10:46pm]
i can't remember the community name for the life of me, but we played this game called "the monster mash" and like we had to comment someone when someone tagged us in a comment. but we had to do within like 10 hours or we were out of the game. we also had a robot unicorn tournament and there was so much fun things that happened. i was luke bylik and i don't remember what the journal i had was, but yeah so does anyone remember this and wanna help me out because i'm just dying to find people who i talked to. it was one of the best communities in the world and i was so sad to see it die off.
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[03 Apr 2015|10:00pm]

Is ~jbarclay or ~dibarclay still around? I loved their work relationship!
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[29 Nov 2014|01:16am]

looking for [info]jessmctny, sn was jesstsayin. you played jesse mccartney and i played cassadee pope. our line was great and i miss it!
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[08 Nov 2014|10:06pm]

Any old ~corbis/~screen members still around? I miss so many of you and there's seriously way too many to list. Rupert Grint, Chace Crawford, Anna Kendrick, Alison Mosshart, Evan Rachel Wood, Max Minghella, Shiloh Fernandez, Hugh Dancy, Keira Knightley, so many of you guys. I'm being crazy nostalgic and missing all the parties and spam and other stuff from back in the day.
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[15 Oct 2014|08:09pm]

David Tennant at [info]matinee ages and ages ago, and we had a line that was so much fun.
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[18 Sep 2014|06:21pm]

this place is a ghost town, but [info]victorino or anyone from the original [info]bigcity? miss ya'll.
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[29 Aug 2014|12:14am]

I was a lucky motherfucker on here once, but looking for [info]surfbeat/[info]furmanezra/the best damned john nolan in this here town. We were at CAA. Remember that place? Come find me. I miss your guts.
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[30 Jun 2014|02:14am]
You played William Moseley and I played Ben Barnes. We lined like twice and I still feel bad for it, years later. But if you are around, comment please? We played on here, on ij. Private lining. Will's nickname for Ben had something to do with bean I think? I have a terrible memory.
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[03 Jun 2014|11:03pm]

you played a kian mitchum pb, i played josh duhamel. they weren't together long, but talked mostly about how their cats would have ramps and walkways on the ceilings wherever they lived. we started in a comm and then moved to a psl? they were an interesting couple and you were a great writer!
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[18 May 2014|07:28pm]

[info]rogerebert people? i miss that game.
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[21 Feb 2014|12:39am]
so weird, but a few years ago we had a draco/pansy storyline that we hosted on inksome. i'm 99% sure you used boyd holbrook, i used abbey kershaw. you were SUCH a great writer and i had actual fun writing with you!
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going through old entries and feeling le sads [09 Feb 2014|11:51am]

missing everyone who knew him at [info]hillies. especially [info]vanderhorst, [info]rook, & [info]mbishop. love you all. ♥
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[04 Jan 2014|02:02pm]

This is unlikely but I'm looking for a player from an old GJ comm that was based on a boarding school? I don't know if I have the name right or not, I think it was called ~absin. I had just joined before the place folded, but if you were the person that played Mike Bishop, I'd love to connect again. We barely spoke but I was looking forward to (hopefully) writing against you. So if you are out there, hit me up! Or anyone else from that game, too!
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[11 Dec 2013|02:51pm]
[info]arminius from [info]sorters? i need to find this amazing writer again
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[23 Nov 2013|10:30pm]
this is the longest shot possible. back on gj ages and ages and ages ago, there was an island community set in the bahamas, i believe. i cannot remember the face of one of the pbs, but the username was ~poole. i'm also looking for the gosling pb that was there. he was a photographer, and i think the un might have been something along the lines of ~jackgavin. are either of you out there?
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[12 Sep 2013|02:00pm]
anyone from [info]priceline or [info]imitator? still around?
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[11 Sep 2013|10:19pm]

Sorry about this lost connection of a who played but I remembered this the other day and it made me happy. I wish I could remember the comm but it was on gj and you played Britney Spears and I rped Andy Hurley. Somehow they instantly became friends and dated for a good while. The comm eventually closed and I lost contact with you. I loved that line and your Brit.
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