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[02 Dec 2012|09:23pm]


- I owe you a thread, it's getting answered tonight.
- You want a thread with any of mine, I'd be happy to start it!
- You want a custom with any of mine, I'd be happy to make it!

That being said, if I owe you a tag and you don't get it tonight, please let me know - it means I never got the notification and will respond promptly!

Thank you. That is all.

♥: [info]greengreer, [info]imogene, [info]mimigeraghty, [info]miriam, [info]nissaba, [info]ohhhavemercy, and [info]persephoneia
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D: [19 Nov 2012|06:05pm]

All right, I think I'm back, and there are so many new people now. Thanksgiving break is here and now I can catch up on threads (if you guys are still interested) and do with some new ones since I have a week to roll around and be useless. Sorry for the hold up, and hi new people. I'd post a brand new SL thread, but I think I'll just accost people in their's.

Love, [info]binhs, [info]fmirga and [info]nursey
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[11 Nov 2012|05:14pm]

Who's taking forever and a day to post? I AM

But, I have a shitty excuse.

NaNoWriMo! So not only is this an apology post, but it's also a post to see if anyone else is participating in NaNoWriMo this year! So, are you?

I shall reply to threads ASAP, tho. I'm two days behind, but I think I could knock that out pretty quickly.
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[11 Nov 2012|05:34pm]

Looks like I'm joining the "I'm sorry." party. :|

I've been crazy busy, and just- out of it in general, but if I owe you anything, I'll probably have it to you tonight, if not tomorrow.


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[11 Nov 2012|01:09am]

D: I'm sorry to everyone I owe tags to.  This week's been crazy exhausting and it's looking like next week will be more of the same :( Hopefully I'll be able to get to tags over thanksgiving break <3
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[01 Nov 2012|08:19pm]

I have internet! I'm going to try to tag the ones I've got and work on her bio since it's grossly overdue XD BEAR WITH ME 
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I think this is the right one... [30 Oct 2012|10:40am]

Hi! I'm currently without power. I don't know how long it will be out for but I'm hoping not very long. I'm not ignoring tags, they're just a bitch on my phone and I'm trying to save power :( much love!

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mod post -adds! [05 Oct 2012|11:40pm]
hey all! please welcome our newest members [info]thanato & [info]thunderousrage. if for any reason you need the full button, you may find it here, but the below will get you the new adds.

we thought it worth mentioning that we've already received 12 bios which we're really happy with, but please don't forget to either ask for an extension or get yours turned in here by 11 PM EST, Monday, October 8th if you were in our first adds in order to avoid removal.

thanks so much! have a great weekend!
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