The Whedonverse Embassy

January 19th, 2009

04:08 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - The 2009 IJ Asylum Meme

The The IJ Asylum Meme 2009 cycle is here. To join in cross-post one of your fics / artworks / icon batches / meta posts / reviews / insert here to a suitable IJ asylum that doesn't have much activity. Even if it's an old post, or already mirrored on your LJ, and especially if you think "Uh, but then I'm the only one posting there / in the spotlight", because the bad part is that probably everybody else thinks that, too, keeping the asylums in eternal limbo. That sucks.

Then comment with a link on this entry: , so your contribution(s) can be added to the list. Also, more information about the meme is posted there.
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