The Whedonverse Embassy

November 17th, 2007

06:04 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Fans United

There is a new project underway organized by various showrunners to show the media companies that fans are supporting their shows' writers through this strike. You can find information about it here: or here:

The important facts are these: (1) One can donate as little as $1 to the effort and (2) Everyone who makes a donation can both list the show they support and include a personal message with their donation. This promotional effort is being designed specifically as a way for fans to show their support for the writers.

Aside from standing by the writers, this seems to me a simple way to demonstrate to both the media owners and the writing community that specific shows have a lot of support out here (regardless of what the ratings may say) and we want our shows to come back. Apparently many in Hollywood don't believe fans can be mobilized. It would be nice to prove them wrong.
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