Everything we like, doesn't matter what you think's Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Everything we like, doesn't matter what you think's InsaneJournal:

    Thursday, August 22nd, 2013
    8:34 pm
    Elana didn't know where to go at this moment, she just knew that she had to get away from him. She ran down the dark wooded area, looking around at everything as she did so. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. He had told her that he would own her, and she was doing everything she could to avoid that being what happened. Her eyes darted to the left, then the right as she looked at everything as she continued to run.

    She moved swiftly, jumping over a log and then the next thing she knew she hit the ground and felt something around her. She closed her eyes and clenched her body up tight as she laid on the damp earth, please don't let him get her. That was what she was praying for at that moment.
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