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Saturday, January 3rd, 2009

    Time Event
    Howdy do...
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]just_imriel)

    Hey all.  Just wanted to say what a kick I'm getting out of this 'verse, and thanks to all who've shared their fic.  I've been inspired to actually use my moribund LJ membership to join the comm and (gasp) start a fic.  It's below.  Comments welcome, but be gentle with me - it's my first time. 

    Title: untitled 'Kept 'verse' prologue
    Pairings/Characters: Gale Harold, Peter Wingfield
    Author:     [info]just_imriel 
    pretty short, actually
    Rating: Adult
    Summary: Gale explains it all for you...
    Disclaimer: Don't drink the kool-aid. Fiction, fantasy, fabrication, fakery, you get the point.
    Warnings: Inherent and explicit non-con

    There are few places in the good old USNA less inspiring than Bayonne, N.J. In it's heyday it was probably a bastion of smug, middle class insularity. Single family homes filled with ordinary folks getting drunk on the weekend, hauling their hungover asses to church on Sunday, and heading off to their dreary fucking jobs at 8:00 AM sharp on Monday. Lather, rinse, repeat. Jesus.

    These days those dreary jobs are harder to find and pay a lot less than they used to. Most of the houses have been carved up into little SRO hives full of worker bees who swarm across the Hudson every morning to jobs in New York, staying one step ahead of the IRS and Commerce. Every last one of them deluded enough to think that their big break is just around the corner: private office, apartment in the city, a slave of their own. Right. See you in Escrow, suckers.

    Where was I?

    Fucking Bayonne. Don't care for the place. I'm on my way to an Estate sale. My Master has a fondness for them, but since he dislikes both travel and unsolicited company, he sends an agent. Yours truly. My name is Gale.

    I'll spare you the trouble of checking my provenance, it's just not that interesting. I was enslaved, rather, I was processed through Commerce, the week after my fourteenth birthday, having been delivered to their loving care by the Department of Corrections. The DOC had determined that I was a recidivist delinquent with no hope of meaningful rehabilitation. They were probably right, but the point is moot. Commerce must have had a boatload of body slaves in the system that day (or a blind fucking intake agent) because, pretty as I was, they decided I was too old for that course of training and sent me to General Indoctrination. I had caught my first break.

    I'm not sure how long GI lasted, because the mindfuck was pretty intense. There's enough of you left to function, to understand and to hate what's happening, but not much more than that. By day I underwent a battery of aptitude tests and instructional sessions designed to help Commerce maximize my value at auction. At night, in the pens, I underwent 'tests' of an entirely different nature, designed to determine how many of my fellow slaves it took to pin me down and fuck me senseless. When I was called up for my final presale review, I performed like a trained seal. Anything, anything, to move on. It worked, and I was assigned to Extended Training and Assessment. I'd caught another break.

    It wasn't long after this that I first came to my Master's attention. Short version - I left Escrow in the possession of Lord Peter Wingfield, and have been in his service ever since. Yes, there's a long-ass story there, and no, I'm not going to tell it. Not now. (That's what we call a teaser, folks!)

    We're getting close to the address given for the sale, and I have some preparations to make.

    FIC: More Than a Lady (1/1) [SGA RPF, Jason/David/Joe, Adult]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]darkrosetiger)

    Title: More Than a Lady (1/1)
    Author: [info]darkrosetiger
    Fandom: SGA RPF (Keptverse AU)
    Pairings/Characters: David Hewlett/Jason Momoa/Joe Flanigan
    Length: ~2,675 words
    Rating: Adult
    Summary: Joe has a special evening planned for his masters. 100% pure, gratuitous porn.
    Disclaimer: Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real actors involved, then you really need to put down the crack pipe. Seriously.
    Warnings: Slavefic (inherent non-con), heavy SM, cross-dressing, humiliation, breathplay

    Notes: Futurefic, set some unspecified time after the events of A Question of Compromise. This story happened because I needed to write some pure porn, and [info]telesilla wanted John in drag fic. This is for her.

    For what Joe might look like in makeup, see this picture. The dress I have him in is this one.

    The title is from the Duran Duran song, "Girls on Film"

    Ever since Jason had said that Joe might really look hot in women's clothes, Joe's been plotting this surprise.
    A Gilded Cage 2/?
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]canadiangoddess)

    Title: A Gilded Cage 2/?
    Author: CanadianGoddess
    Rating: 14A – this is a slave!fic AU with bad language and mentions of physical and sexual abuse though not explicit
    Pairing: Hints Kate/Chris and Jeff/Jensen and introducing to the Morgan household in this part: Steve Carlson…with Steve/Chris if you squint a little
    Disclaimer: All I own is debt…you can take that anytime you like. The A Kept Boy verse was created by the genius that is [info]poisontaster and she rocks for letting me play in her sandbox. “You Belong With Me” belongs to the genius that is Steve Carlson…I used it without remorse or permission. My bad. Yes I have changed the ages of both Steve and Kate…it’s just easier that way. J The people I have chosen as past owners of both Steve and Kate are painted rather darkly…I love these actors and DO NOT think they are like this in reality. Thanks.
    Author’s Note: The likelihood that this is going to be “cannon” to what PT is doing…slim to nil…I had an idea whilst reading and had to write it out for myself…as if I don’t have enough going on in my life now I have another muse. *sigh*

    IMPORTANT NOTE: I messed up in part one…Kate has had multiple owners…Master Malkcovich bought her from someone else…not Master Clooney…there were a couple of people between them. Got it??

    Part One

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