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Friday, December 5th, 2008

    Time Event
    Fic: A Lost Boy, Chapter 16
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]angiepen)

    Title: A Lost Boy
    Author: AngiePen
    Pairing: Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom, minor Liam/Johnny Depp, plus a few other pair-ups among the supporting characters.
    Rating: NC-17 overall
    Summary: Slave Orlando's been taken and the kidnappers aren't interested in ransom. And of course Master Liam's thundering rage is only at the personal insult, that someone would disrespect him by daring to touch his property.
    Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.
    Notes: 1) Set in [info]poisontaster's Kept Boy universe -- FAQ here. See Chapter 1 for more notes.

    Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen

    Thewlis met with Nick Cage at his office. It was on the twenty-seventh story of a twenty-nine story building, and unlike most executive offices Thewlis had ever been in, Nick's didn't have any windows. It was both rich looking and functional, with good furniture well used, and nothing useless just for show.

    "Remember Musgrave? Dropped out in his sophomore year? He's a contractor now," said Cage. He gestured for Thewlis to have a seat on a chic sofa across the room from Cage's messy desk, while settling into an armchair himself. "He did the place for me. I told him I wanted this block of rooms to be built like a bank vault. It was expensive, and took some extra support on the floor below, but it's worth it. We have bug-zappers and scanners all around, and above and below. And if Big Brother doesn't like it he can kiss my ass.

    "So, what's up, Dave?"

    Read more....
    Every Certainty I Had Part 6/?
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]daughterofelros)

    Title: Every Certainty I Had
    Author: [info]daughterofelros  
    Pairing: Connor Paolo/ Joshua Jackson; Also includes to varying degrees the Following Cast: Summer Glau, Thomas Dekker, Rob Lowe, Penn Badgley, Blake Lively, and Dominic Monaghan, plus various and sundry others
    Rating: Very Innocent progressing in later chapters to smuttiness
    Disclaimer: It's not real. If you think it is, Good God, you're crazier than I am!! 
    Summary: Connor has been purchased, but isn't sure what to make of his new life and master.
    AN: The title comes from Aida, specifically the line " But time enough to lay to waste/
    Every certainty I Had"

    Previous Parts:   Part 1     Part 2       Part 3     Part 4    Part 5
    Who' s Who located here

    Part the 6th )

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