Archive for the 'A Kept Boy' Universe's Journal
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Saturday, November 15th, 2008

    Time Event
    Inversion - Part One
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]facetofcathy)

    I had to dip my toe in the Kept!verse waters.  I love the original series and it's offspring and so I offer my contribution. 

    Inversion will be a series of stories (so fiction then, if that needs reiterating) that will be posted in chronological order for the most part, but I may go back and fill in some of the backstory -- which brings me to my next point.  I do tend to dive in in the middle.  There won't be much waiting for the sex that gives this series its Mature Adult rating. 

    I chose Stargate SG1 people to populate my AU.  You've all met a couple of versions of Michael Shanks already, and here's another one.  He's a bit different in this incarnation; he's a writer living in Toronto and he recently acquired a new body slave and, not quite so recently, inherited an old family retainer who had belonged to his Uncle Jan.  The latter is Ben Browder and the former is Kyle Gallner (not to be confused with any other Kyles).  I did up a cast sheet with pictures for the curious.  The well read SG1 fic fan might know how Mr. Gallner got involved with these sci fi people. 

    The first part is called Inversion, and comes in at 3,000 words, and you will find it on my journal here.

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