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Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

    Time Event
    ... In Wolf's Clothing (1/1)
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]devilc)

    Title: ... In Wolf's Clothing
    Fandom: [info]poisontaster's A Kept Boy 'Verse
    Character: Josh Homme
    Rating: Teen (language and themes)

    Author's Note: Written for [info]darkrosetiger, because perhaps Dylan Neal is one of the people milling around at the cocktail party mentioned in this story.

    In my previous AKB story, I had a lot of fun making my Bureau of Industry and Security Agents about as vile as possible. But I'm also reminded of how in Babylon 5, the character of Bester, while still a very corrupt and self-serving man did have things/people he cared about, and that he also had to deal with some pretty horrific crimes, such as the time he came to B5 to track down a serial killer who had committed the hate-crime murders of several telepaths. He was not entirely devoid of humanity.

    Legalese: This is a fantasy story and is not intended as an accurate representation of actions, morals, and world view of any individual named herein.

    The Underground Railroad is aptly named. It's a one way journey to the grave.

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