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Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Fic: A Lost Boy, Chapter 7
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]angiepen)

    Title: A Lost Boy
    Author: AngiePen
    Pairing: Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom, minor Liam/Johnny Depp, plus a few other pair-ups among the supporting characters.
    Rating: NC-17 overall
    Summary: Slave Orlando's been taken and the kidnappers aren't interested in ransom. And of course Master Liam's thundering rage is only at the personal insult, that someone would disrespect him by daring to touch his property.
    Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.
    Notes: 1) Set in [info]poisontaster's Kept Boy universe -- FAQ here. See Chapter 1 for more notes.

    Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six

    [Twenty-Two Years Ago]

    The run-down house was filled with aging pizza boxes, scattered textbooks and the occasional stained and smudged bong. What it didn't have was air conditioning, and Marton was wondering for the millionth time why he'd agreed to move in with Nick.

    Not that the dorms had been all that great either. At least at the house he had his own room, with a door that locked. And Nick was pretty cool, with a lot of friends, and being invited was sort of flattering.

    Of course it was those very friends who were driving him nuts just then, because half a dozen of them had come over with beer and a set of smudged pamphlets and would not stop blathering no matter how late it got. It wouldn't have been so bad if they'd been talking about anything interesting, or useful, or even realistic. But no, it turned out that this particular little group of friends gathered around Nick Cage were fucking abolitionists and that night they were arguing on and on over the best way to "bust out" slaves and give them regular, free lives.

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    A collection of administrativa
    Hi everyone! I just got back from out of town and I'm trying to catch up on all the AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL stuff y'all have gotten up to while I was gone.

    I have updated the master post with everything I saw (except for [info]angiepen's latest chapter, because she posted that as I was writing this). Feel free to check it and let me know if I missed something. Things that are clearly indicated as WIPs have been given their own section, one-shot fics have been lumped together. I will start working on getting everything moved into memories as well, since I don't know that I'll have the stamina or the gumption to keep everything up to date in the master list. I'd also like to begin tagging. At least with a simple "fanfic", "meta", "picspam", etc. type tagging. Please feel free to start that now. *g*

    I'd also like to state that, although [info]darkrosetiger and I have tried to keep the universe as open and flexible as possible, we are agreed that we'd like to keep the universe an RPF (Real Person Fiction) universe and not include fictional characters. We felt that would just muddy the waters too much. Obviously, you all are free to write whatever you like in your own journals, but please keep the comm stuff to RPF only.

    And lastly, because I keep forgetting to update the comm with notices, chapters 29 & 30 are up at my LJ. You can find them here: Chapter 29|Chapter 30

    I'm so glad that everyone's here and excited and WRITING. Honestly, I'm completely floored to see and read some of the amazing things y'all are coming up with. Carry on!

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