Archive for the 'A Kept Boy' Universe's Journal
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Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

    Time Event
    Every Certainty I Had Pt. 2/?
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]daughterofelros)

    Title: Every Certainty I Had
    Author: [info]daughterofelros  
    Pairing: Connor Paolo/ Joshua Jackson; Also includes to varying degrees the Fllowing Cast: Summer Glau, Thomas Dekker, Rob Lowe, Penn Badgley, Blake Lively, and Danny from CSI (As though the character were a person, rather than using Carmine.)
    Rating: Very Innocent progressing in later chaperts to smuttiness
    Disclaimer: It's not real. If you think it is, Good God, you're crazier than I am!!  So much thanks to

    [info]poisontaster</lj> for opening the universe and letting us all play in the sandbox.
    Summary: Connor sees the disaster his family is headed toward and takes it upon himself to save them.
    AN: The title comes from Aida, specifically the line " But time enough to lay to waste/
    Every certainty I had"

    For a Who's Who go to


    Part 1


    Part 2 )

    FIC: That Middle Road
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]nilchance)

    Title: That Middle Road
    Author: [info]nilchance
    Pairing: Misha Collins/Jeremy Sisto
    Rating: Adult
    Disclaimer: This isn't real.
    A/N: Set in poisontaster's A Kept Boy 'verse. Jeremy needs a boy. Misha needs a reason to get up.

    That Middle Road
    Misbegotten - My Mistake!
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]dairwendan)

    Hi Guys!

    I'm terribly sorry, I screwed up. Misbegotten was a Fictional Person Fic and the AKB universe involves Real Person Fic only. I don't know how I missed that but I did.

    So I apologize to [info]poisontaster and [info]darkrosetiger and to all of you. And of course I have removed Misbegotten from the community. Thanks to those of you who checked it out! You were very sweet.

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