Archive for the 'A Kept Boy' Universe's Journal
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Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

    Time Event
    What We Keep FAQ
    I suppose the first thing we'd like to say about this universe is that it is not completely mapped out. Part of that is because of the impromptu nature of the originating story, A Kept Boy. It's a story I began on a lark and it's been written (and world built) on the fly. The other reason is that we don't want to get overly detailed to a point where the canonical 'rules' of the system become oppressive to free storytelling. We want there to be enough room for people to have fun in this universe. And sometimes that means not parsing things out too finely.

    Next, a word on the nuts and bolts. This is an open universe. That means anyone is able to write in it, talk about it, create for it, without having to get prior permission. Stories do not have to be canon compliant; it's up to you, as creator, how close you want to stick to the 'rules' of the universe. On the other hand, that obviously means that not everything will be considered universe-canonical. It's up to you how much you want to incorporate other people's ideas and creations. It's up to me how much I (or [info]darkrosetiger) want to incorporate into my/our own story/stories.

    The FAQ will also probably not answer all questions that you might have. For the most part, [info]darkrosetiger and I tried not to get too bogged down in specifics. Part of the fun of throwing the universe open is leaving room for other people to bring their ideas and stories.

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