What Price? - September 5th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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September 5th, 2009

Consulting with a healer... [Sep. 5th, 2009|09:32 pm]


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Who: Lucius Malfoy and Adrian Pucey
What: Discussing current events
When: Saturday 5 September
Where: Malfoy Manor
Warnings: Rated S.
Status: Closed, incomplete

Lucius smiled at the younger man walking across his well-kept lawn. The sun and heat of the day linger here, perhaps the result of ancient magical meddling or perhaps the reason the Malfoy ancestors chose this spot. It was something of a virtue made of necessity. The house-elf had insisted on repainting the public rooms prior to Narcissa's return.

"Adrian, my boy. So kind of you to come."
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