What Price? - January 20th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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January 20th, 2009

[Backstory: Percy, Neville] [Jan. 20th, 2009|07:35 pm]
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[Current Music |"Box of Stars, part 1" : Sparklehorse]

Who: Percy Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: Neville delivers requested items to Percy and ends up with a job offer.
Where: A Ministry safehouse in England
When: 2008
Rating: G

Sun was filtering through the leaves as Neville stepped through the bramble that surrounded the small cottage, thorns snagging his sleeve as he jerked it up, then cradled the small bag at his side. Brown eyes curiously focused on the clearing up ahead, measuring the distance between where he stood, hiding in the bracken, and the front door. There were no guards that he could see but neither did he recognize a figure, or feel the faint energy that magic held after a casting. This place was as desolate as any to which he had come and he dug in his pocket again, taking out a crumpled piece of parchment and biting his lip as he wondered whether it was a bad day to play messenger. Or if, perhaps, he hadn't come to the right place at all.

He stumbled slightly, the paper fluttering out into the wind and without thinking, Neville reached out, trying to grab it with a dirty hand, fingers fumbling blindly and missing. "Sweet Circe-" But it was gone, drifting towards a shadow ahead, and he pushed through the thorns, trying to see the paper without walking into the clearing unprotected.

Courtesy, I'm afraid, generally goes to the wayside... )
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