May 31st, 2010


Email to Everyone, Individually

Hello, everyone.

I've taken it upon myself to create a secure network that will allow us all to communicate securely, both from within the house and remotely. I'm certain that many of you already know how to encrypt communications, but this will allow you to send things out to everyone in this group without a fuss.

Attached you will find all necessary access codes, user names, passwords, etc. When you log in, you will be prompted to change your password.

Use it or not as you like. You have my word that it is more secure than you're likely to find anywhere else.

Any questions, concerns, etc. please let me know.

- Alec



Email: Sent to All

Hi everyone,

Meeting on Thursday night. Here. To talk about the radio station. Tom came up with a pretty awesome flyer so we're on our way. We can talk about actually getting this thing up and running, which would be cool.
