Nov. 13th, 2016



Hi, there. I'm thinking of bringing this woman in as a guest. Before I do, I'll need to work her out fresh. I'm thinking she's a high powered exec that's looking for something that gives her a rush.

Looking for any lines to fill!



Hi all! After much, much time spent staring longingly at this game and wondering what I could bring to the table, I finally had my eureka moment and will be bringing in a host named Elijah Wheeler, the town carpenter. His bio is basically empty at the moment, but let me pitch what I have so far and we can see what sort of lines and things we can work out!

Elijah is 30 years old and has lived in Sweetwater for his whole life. His father left the family when Eli was three, to go seek his fortune in the gold rush. When he was eight, his mother and baby sister died of pneumonia and Elijah was taken in by the carpenter and his family. He basically became the carpenter's apprentice, taking the business over full-time when the old man died five years ago. The carpenter had a daughter around Eli's age, so naturally he fell headlong into puppy love with her -- not that he's ever actually told her that. Which isn't to say that he can't be swayed into showing female guests a good time, because sex and love are two very different things and as long as his heart stays true to the girl he loves, where's the harm in a little fun? As far as personality, he's a pretty sociable guy with a strong sense of morality, so he's probably ended up on the wrong side of a few guns before. I'm thinking his weekly story will keep him mostly in or close to Sweetwater, so I'd love to work out where he and other hosts can fit into each other's loops!

Nov. 11th, 2016


I have been the literal worst this past week and a half so excuse me. HOWEVER, here is Will - my new host in town - with Charlie Hunnam's face. If you check his bio post you will see that he has absolutely no history or weekly story...yet. That's where you guys come in. You know the drill: throw some lines at me, ideas, what have you, and let's see what sticks.

Will is 35 and Sweetwater's resident blacksmith. Need tools, horseshoes, spare wagon or household parts, decorative pieces or even weapons? He's your guy. He lives in town, in a small apartment-like abode above his metal work shop. He's a fun guy, completely shameless (gratuitous nudity abounds), chivalrous and tends to fall "in love" a little too easily. He has been previously engaged at least once but the marriages have never worked out. His need to spread his love around comes from his upbringing. The Duling family originates in California but Will has been in the Sweetwater area since his early 20s. His philandering gold-prospector father held many mistresses and wives, leading to many children (the ones of whom Will knows about are listed in his bio). As such, Will doesn't see much wrong with entering emotional or physical relationships with others - even if he/the other party is in one already themselves. His sexuality is listed as heterosexual but he would not deny a man's attentions; sex is sex after all and he is very eager to please. He does have quite the temper on him, but unless you are harming a woman or criticizing the way that he chooses to live, you will likely never see it. Hobby-wise, Will loves to drink (socially), work out (duh) and finds it hard to resist a good treasure hunt in the wilds.

So, if ya'll have any ideas or needs, hit me up. He is a grey hat host so I am down for both the darker and lighter type of lines.

Nov. 10th, 2016



Just thought you guys would like to know I'm working on this guy as a host. If anyone has anything they'd like to offer for how he should be, I'm all ears.




Hey all! I'm Melissa, and I'm bringing in Elijah 'Bullwhip' Black, bandit leader. His favorite tool (weapon? intimidation toy?) is a bullwhip. He doesn't take any shit, and he wants what he wants, when he wants it. Stirring up trouble is one of his favorite past times, whether it be by starting a fight at the saloon, ambushing carriages, robbing a bank, or playing target practice shooting at train windows as they go by. His top 3 priorities are money, food, and sex, in that order, and he doesn't take kindly to people who get in the way of that.

As of right now, his weekly storyline is really open. He has hideouts in Snake Canyon and near Sky Lake, but he'll move around during the week. He's a man with needs who probably swings by the brothel more often than he should, and he's more than likely to have some company at his hideout on the nights he's there. Not a day goes by without him making trouble in some way or another, so if anyone wants in on it, let me know. He'll be planning things like train robberies and setting fire to his enemies' camps in the middle of the night. He's a man who likes to make deals, whether they be in exchange for his protection, money, whatever - but he always gets the better end of the bargain.

So, if anyone has him in their weekly loops already, let me know! You can get me here or the screened post in my journal. I'm new here and even though he's bandit leader I don't want to tread on toes, so let's work things out. Otherwise, throw anything and everything at me. This is a man who's begging to get into trouble and get shot on a weekly basis, so just tell me who's gonna shoot him this time.

Nov. 9th, 2016



Hello all, this is Mandy, coming back atcha with a guest character! Olivia Stirling is a 40 year old divorced mother of 21 year old twin girls. She got pregnant in the back of her high school boyfriend's pick up truck a month before graduation, and it all sort of derailed her plans of going to New York City to work in theater. Instead, she and her boyfriend got married, and she scraped her way through part time jobs while their marriage grew increasingly sour. They got divorced when the girls were 12, and Olivia took on her job at the beauty salon to try to bring in some more cash. Three months ago, Olivia hit it big by winning a Set For Life sweepstakes where she'll get ~$10,000 a week. She retired from her job at the beauty salon and didn't tell anyone about her winnings until she'd saved up enough money to pay off her girls student loans. And now she's literally just going hog wild with her cash.

Enter Westworld. It's the ultimate vacation, and Olivia adores the atmosphere and the hosts - a lot of whom she sympathizes with in the monetary struggle/turbulent relationship/made her own clothes for years kind of way. Whenever she rolls into Westworld, she makes it rain on the hosts by obscenely overpaying them for every service they offer. She dresses to the nines in the appropriate period clothing, and basically indulges in every aspect of the park. Probably even the occasional murder when her ex tries to horn in on her cash cow. I am down for any and all interactions for her!

Nov. 8th, 2016



Hey gang, it's Annie with a third. This is Leonie, a Delos Quality Control specialist. She spends most of her days inside the park, dressed inconspicuously in period clothes, observing guest reaction to the sets and aesthetics, or making notes on visual presentation gaps, faults or discrepancies to be adjusted. Ex; too few Natives in Bonita? The Butcher shop is too dark and looks a little too ... horror movie? Too many birds covering the thrilling sounds of gunfire at the bandit camp? etc. Some days she runs storylines or treks further out from Sweetwater, either pretending to be a guest or a host if necessary for similar purposes. Personality wise, Leo is that 'head in the clouds' variety of talented artist, but she's also hardworking and driven even if she lacks grounding. She's airy, friendly, kind, but a bit anachronistic. Leo is truly one of those 'born in the wrong century' people. As a result of being raised in Delos parks by her father, a personality programmer, the line between fantasy and reality can be a little blurry for her. Some of the hosts she's known since she was a child, so they feel like family, even if they don't remember her. When given the opportunity she makes friends fairly easily, typically with white hat guests.

Open to any/all plotting or ideas!

Lines list here )



Erin here again (I just submitted Marta- my Penelope Cruz face) with my second character (and last for a while, at least until I get to play them).

This here is Moira Bohannon, host. She's 18, Irish born, and the diva/dancer/actress in a small Bohemian traveling theater troupe currently in Sweetwater (totally hoping to entice some people for those roles). Personality wise, Moira is giggly but shy (except when performing), a lover of all things frilly and pretty and romantic. She's curious, though a bit skittish except with those close to her (the troupe), and is absolutely fascinated with the native tribes in the area. I'm still working on her daily routine, so there's plenty of opportunity for crossed lines.



Hi everyone. I have two kids to add to the weekly loop drama pyre. This is Ophelia Abbott. She's a New Yorker who came to Sweetwater a few months ago, the fiancée of a wealthy railroad developer. He got himself blown up with poorly handled nitroglycerin a few weeks in. Because they weren't yet married ... well, she's been shanghai'ed in Sweetwater with a few bucks, the contents of her traveling chest and a few slim hopes. A small-time entrepreneur of sorts, she's been growing and selling opium to interested parties on the DL to make money to buy a ticket back east. She serves food and drink at the Saloon a few nights a week to make sure she has enough to eat, then takes tertiary jobs wherever and whenever she can to rent a room at the Inn. While she's down on her luck right now, Ophelia isn't a damsel in distress. She's friendly but pragmatic, and really hates being talked down too or treated like an object. She needs friends, a confidante or benefactor, people she sells too, a few kind souls who'll share a meal now and then in exchange for some work, pretty much everything.

My second is Seth Bridger, Sweetwater's Sheriff. For those who have the Sheriff as part of their weekly loop already and would like to collaborate, feel free to ping me here or on my journal to chat. At the moment I'm bouncing between Hugh Jackman and Mads Mikkelsen, also open to face recommendations. Seth is a former Union rifleman come to Sweetwater with his best friend and brother-at-arms (think Robicheaux and Billy from Mag7) looking for reprieve from the madness and infighting elsewhere (insert ironic laughter here). His wife came with, but gave up on him a few years ago and lives with her new husband in town. A long-serving lawman, Seth has been Sheriff for a little over two years after the last was shot on the job. He's stern, generally stony-faced and always watching his six, but he's not without a sense of humor. He's not the sort of be lenient on your run-of-the-mill troublemaker, but criminals with very deep pockets can sometimes buy themselves a second chance. I don't think he's an established Saloon regular, as visiting there makes a man a little too ... vulnerable. Gimme everything for him, yes? Please?



Good afternoon. The doctor is in.

This is Everett Hawthorne, former army surgeon, Sweetwater's doctor for years and years now, upstanding member of the community, secretly involved with the undertaker, agnostic even though he wanted to become a priest when he was young and beautiful - at your service.

His main purpose is to keep guests and hosts in park as long as they only have minor injuries and aren't on the verge of dying/shutting down. He's got touching points with the undertaker, the madame and a bandit. Happy to insert more hosts into his loop so feel free to hit me up here or his drop box. :)




Well, this is Liz and given that I have just now applied Amarine as a host and haven't even been accepted or had time to play her, it seemed only right that I app a guest right after. So I bring you Violet Finnegan. She works for Delos Accounting - very low level. Most of what she makes, after she pays bills and takes care of her mandatory living needs, goes right back into the corporation. She does spend some time in Romanworld and the others, but Westworld is her favorite.

She runs every single loop that allows her to be the heroine, the damsel, and fall in love - with men and women. She's done all of them at least once and possibly twice. In her every day life, she's very shy and quiet. It isn't that she doesn't have friends, she just prefers numbers to people. However, in Westworld, it's much easier, because they aren't people - technically they are people shaped numbers. Even in Westworld, though, she's often quite awkward. She isn't one of the guests that can shed their real lives once they step into their fake lives.

I'd love to find guest friends of hers that try and encourage her to step outside of her comfort zone. Even if it's to run a line where she sleeps with a hooker instead of someone to love. Possibly a guest that she mistakes for a host, because sometimes she isn't that bright, and they develop real feelings. She'll get the shock of a life time when she sees he or she out and about in the real world. Hosts that she favors because they're just so damn sweet, hosts that she considers to be her best friends, even if they basically forget her in a week, etc.

Nov. 7th, 2016



This is Scarlett Cunningham. She's an heiress of tbd and uses Westworld like her own personal adult playground. Sorry hosts, but she's a black hat ans may have shot you a time or two in the past if it suited her. Or else hit on you. She's engaged, and that's another line I would love love love to have filled if anyone's interested in picking up a guest. She doesn't consider it cheating to have sex with an android, but she'd probably have sex with a guest, too, so, so much for that, lol. She might also try to play at pretending to be a host around some guests for shits and giggles. All lines, please!

Nov. 8th, 2016



Hi guys, I'm bringing in Joseph, the undertaker who takes care of the occasional death in Sweetwater. Obviously he'll know Silas the priest and [insert sheriff here], and he's quietly enjoying Sexy Times with Everett the town doctor in the broom closet. But he's not the most charming lad so I'm not sure how he'll fit in with everyone else at this stage. He is a recovering alcoholic so maybe he used to hang around the Saloon? *shrugshrug*

If you're considering hosts, it would be great to see some good cops and bad cops around. Also, a bandit, mercenary or reckless young gun type kills him every Sunday. If you'd like to kill a host on Sunday, please let me know :)

Nov. 6th, 2016



Hello hello! I also spotted this game on an advertising comm and squee'd like a madwoman. I'm Erin, and I'm working on this Host right now with hopes of bringing a Guest in soon after.

This is Marta Guiverra, aka Santa Marta (or simply the Saint to certain parties). Marta is a widowed rancher with a HUGE plot of land in the wilds between Bonita and Sweetwater. She 'rents' her land out to natives and bandits, running a sort of pragmatic business of mutual protection, supplies, and information. She's a bit of a pariah to the town of Bonita- a former orphan almost!nun turned prostitute having married one of their wealthier citizens (the history is all in her bio)- but she's known among the bandits and tribes in the area as a neutral, mutually beneficial party with no love for the Law. Marta has a pretty dark weekly storyline involving her sociopathic brother in law (hoping to see him sometime), but other than that, lots of opportunity for other interaction.

I'm also open to suggestions from those already in game to see if there are any tweaks to be made in order to help Marta fit in the game better, or fill in some needed lines, whathave you.

Nov. 5th, 2016



Hi everyone! I'm Serah. I spotted you guys on pbads and did a happy jig. I've got two concepts I'd like to bring in. I'd love to preplot or weave narratives with anyone interested here, or I'm happy to whip together a custom if better suited.

This is Salla, a Pawnee woman who ran from tribal life and found her way to horse thievery, smuggling and card hustling. She operates around Bonita and beyond. She's not the 'sugar and spice and everything nice' type of woman you're liable to find in Sweetwater. Tough, cunning, manipulative and often chilly, she's not the most lovable of hosts, but her story and motivations are a lot more complicated than the bounty on her head would have you believe. She's entirely capable of taking a shine to hosts she gets on well with, even opening up to them or showing affection if they play their hand well. Or, they could piss her off and end up at odds for the week if cat and mouse is more desired. I'd love compadres for her, hosts she plays cards with, will or has stolen from, bounty hunters and lawmen out for her. I saw something about a killing on Saturday. If she had a really good reason I'm happy to throw her into that role, as well. I'd love an unusual or unexpected connection with a guest that seems out of left field, but is in some way fulfilling for them, so they keep coming back. Maybe they don't even like each other all that much but something clicks? I don't know, just throwing ideas. Very open.

Second, I have Cal Moreau (Idris Elba faced). Cal is a retired British Footballer with money to burn and too much time on his hands. Retired life is rapidly beginning to bore him. He's an unabashed thrill seeker, but a fairly good sort with some morals and ethics fuzzed out by fame and the 'otherness' that came with it. I wouldn't classify him as white or black hat. He's pretty grey. Westworld has recently grabbed his interest and held on. It's another test of physical prowess he can sink his teeth into now that he's off the pitch, another challenge he feels the need to conquer. He'll enjoy the tamer pleasures of Sweetwater now and then, but will more likely be headed out into the wilderness the first chance he gets with bounty hunters, or to join up with bandits for the week, climb canyons, have trysts in fields in the middle of the afternoon; all the life affirming, wilder things he can't get from 'civilization' back in London without getting arrested. He wants everything.

Looking forward to writing with everyone. All of your characters look incredible!

Nov. 4th, 2016



Just finished this girl. She's a whore with not much of a heart of gold, but she's a sweet thing. Far too giving. Likes to go skinny dipping out by the Rainbow Bridge and can be talked into a freebee in more than one instance. She also makes a trip down to Bonita on Friday. Hit me up if you'd like anything with her!

Now I can finally reply to you lovely people (Elliot and Dusty I'M COMIN FER YA) and watch The Crown!


Nov. 3rd, 2016


Y'all. Y'all, I can't resist the temptation to bring in a guest. They're definitely going to be a recent big lottery winner that is just going hog wild with their cash, but I can't decide who to use for a pb. Does anyone have someone they super want to see? I can go with either gender!



Hey guys. I'm officially coming to you for help. I still can't settle on a face for my saloon girl. I'm kind of wanting to use a young Drew Berrymore for something, but I'm not sure if she's right for that. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Nov. 2nd, 2016


Would you guys rather see Charlie Hunnam as a guest or host? Any ideas anyone has for either or his face in general? I don't have any concrete ideas yet, I just want to use his face.



Phew, alright! Hey all. Annie again. Work got crazy for the last few days, but I'm angling to have both Bear and Cora's apps in by this evening. Any last minute lines, plots or angles to add or work out I should consider or include for either of their histories? Grab me here or either Dropbox if you'd like to work anything out. Looking forward to writing with all of you!