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We Rock Camp Rock

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Rules [18 Jun 2008|05:03pm]
Rules for [info]werockcamprock

1. You do not talk about [info]werockcamprock

2. You do NOT talk about [info]werockcamprock

3. Proper capitalization and punctuation must be used when threading in the main community at all times. The journals are not a big deal since the characters in real life will not always use capitals and the like.

4. All members are to be respected unless we're joking around OOC. Then I'll probably call you a betch all the time.

5. There will be no godmodding allowed. Godmodding is when you attempt to take over another's character or tell them what they should do. You must not type dialogue or action for any character/s other than your own, unless for some reason a needed character isn't around. When this is the case, you need mod permission.

6. This community is intended for mature players. We can not be held responsible for anything offensive posted here. This includes graphic sex, incest and swearing.

7. If a post becomes R-rated, please place it behind a cut and give a warning.

8. Het/slash/smut are all welcome. However, do not base your character around any of these things. Plot is wonderful.

9. Activity is super important. You must post either in the main community or in your journal at least once a week. If there is inactivity for an extended period of time, you will be b&.

9a. Characters must comment on other character's journals frequently. RPing is about creativity and imagination so you must be able to find something to say.

10. If you need to go on hiatus/vacation, let the mods know. If this hiatus/vacation goes on for a ridiculous amount of time, your character will be put up for adoption.

11. All OOC posts are to be made in the OOC journal. OOC comments are welcome but must be clearly marked with double parentheses around the text.

ex: ((This post made me laugh so hard. You win.))

12. All entries, whether in the comm or journals, must be written in first person. You are always your character when posting therefore your thoughts are always known.

13. Entries in the main community are action based. The setup must look like this:

Where: Camp Rock
Who: Shane & Mitchie


I promised Shane that I would tell him what was really going on so when I found him hanging out by himself by the lake, I figured now was as good as ever.

"Hey," I said awkwardly before plopping on the couch next to him.

14. Individual journals can be used for private matters, public matters, anything. If a section of text is intended for your character only, place it behind a cut labeled as private. If a section of text is intended for one or two people, label the cut accordingly. If the text is public for all to see, it does not have to go under a cut. Pictures posted on individual journals should go under a cut labeled how you wish it to be. Note that anyone can reply to your post if you have not specified that they can't.

15. You can now apply as more than one character with mod permission. Please submit a separate application to be approved once you are given the go ahead.

16. We don't want no drama. No no, no drama. Deal with it elsewhere, plz. Unless of course it is in the actual RP, then much dramz~ is welcome. If there is an issue with another player, come straight to the mods, no hesitation.

17. Rules can and probably will be changed at any time.

18. Be sure that you know how IJ RPing works. Equally, be sure that you understand how it works in this community. If you need any direction or a touch up go here.

19. Be sure to read the overview before applying.

20. Do not friend lock any of your posts. We want others to be able to see what goes on here, especially if they're interested in applying.

21. Tagging of main community threads and AIM conversations will be done by the mods. You may tag your own entries in the OOC community as this can often be fun and amusing.

22. All character journals comment pages must now be set to IJ's default comment page.

23. Character's friends list must be up to date. Add any new characters immediately and the same for deleting characters that are no longer part of the RP.

23. One and two lined replies are not allowed in threads. Make them longer or this rule will be copied and pasted to you and the thread will be put on hold until it is fixed.

25. All character PBs must be approved my mods. We get final say. We have the right to deny a PB and if you pick someone mainstream or just someone that we can't stand, we will deny it.
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Application [18 Jun 2008|05:06pm]
[ mood | chipper ]


Contact Info AIM, Myspace, Y!M, whatever you want
Experience Have you ever RPed before? If so, where and for how long. Not required!
Who Referred You Did someone tell you about the site? If yes, leave their name/username/character/whatever it is you know about them.

Your Character

Appearance This is for made up characters. If you choose a character that is known, post a decent sized picture.
Preferred PB Who you will use in icons for your character. PBs must be approved by mods to ensure that they're not ridiculous.
Personality This must be filled out for every character. Make it as detailed as possible. Include likes/dislikes, mannerisms, typical attitude, etc.
History Where did your character come from, how do they know JB, etc.
Community Writing Sample :
Journal Writing Sample :

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