Sep. 6th, 2007 @ 07:28 pm Welcome to Werewolf_love!
Current Mood: excited
Current Music: Emilie Autumn - If You Feel Better

A friend of mine was looking for a community here on IJ for people who are interested in the HP werewolves, including het and gen fic and art as well as slash. Unfortunately fandom is still getting its wings under it here at IJ, and such a thing didn't exist...until now! This got me thinking that really we could use something that's cross-fandom, somewhere that fans of Stephenie Meyer and Patricia Briggs can post as well as people who like Remus Lupin and Fenrir Greyback. Fandom discussion and creation about any movie or book that includes werewolves is welcome here.

All genres and media are welcome here, all pairings are welcome, or no pairings at all! I do ask that you friends-lock NC-17 fic and art to the community.

I'm a long-time member of the Lupin/Snape corner of Harry Potter fandom, and there's a great sense of community there. I would like to see that same sense of community and friendship fostered here. Of course we won't all always agree, but I do expect disagreements to be handled in a manner that respects everyone.

I'd love to see fiction, art, icons, essays, photo manips, discussions, recommendations, and similar things, as long as they involve at least one of the werewolf characters or are about some aspect of lycanthropy in the Harry Potter universe.

Please post all art and fics behind a cut-tag. The headers should come before the cut-tag, with information about your offering. A sample header could be

Fic Title:
Warnings: (for content such as character death, kinks, etc.)
Notes: (if you want)

Longer posts should also be behind a cut-tag, with a few lines before the cut-tag to indicate the content behind the tag. For instance, if you're looking for a particular fic or fic recommendations, feel free to post it outside a cut. If you're writing an essay about why werewolves only transform one night a month (or do transform three nights a month) please give us an essay title and introductory paragraph, the put the rest behind a cut.

I'll be more than happy to clear up any questions or concerns, and suggestions for the comm, for challenges, activities, etc., are always welcome! Comment here or at any mod post.

And if you're interested in specifically Harry Potter-related werewolves, check out the sister comm, [info]hpwerewolf_love
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