World's End Mall Help Desk's Journal
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Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded in World's End Mall Help Desk's InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
    11:35 pm
    Updated FaL
    Here's your friends add list. Just go to your console and copy paste this over. It should add all characters and shops.

    friend add alightinthedark
    friend add andriel
    friend add bards_n_strings
    friend add deaths_sidekick
    friend add dragonsanzo
    friend add ii_xigbar
    friend add iii_xaldin
    friend add kitsunezack
    friend add lucy_ferrara
    friend add lyn_strife
    friend add maruset
    friend add megda_breeton
    friend add phoenix_springs
    friend add prexte
    friend add relativepuzzles
    friend add rena_maxwell
    friend add saki_chan
    friend add seasalt
    friend add sora_valentine
    friend add sparklyillusion
    friend add tirren_phale
    friend add turk_bait
    friend add velvet_slipper
    friend add victor_a_creed
    friend add winchester_boy
    friend add worldsendbar
    friend add wordsarepower
    friend remove rumsavvy

    Also, I don't want to hear about anyone deleting posts. If I do hear anymore reports of it, with proof, I will ban you.
    Tuesday, January 8th, 2008
    12:38 am
    Note, people
    I don't want to hear about anyone deleting someone's posts again. If someone talks to you in game, and you don't want to deal with them, move away in character. Do -not- just delete their post. It's rude, uncalled for, and if I find someone doing it, I will ban them.
    Monday, November 19th, 2007
    11:39 pm
    FaL has been updated. Make sure to add the new people when you get a chance.
    Saturday, November 17th, 2007
    7:22 pm
    Upped Character limit
    I've decided, after several people asked, to go ahead and up the limit of characters a person might have. You can now start with five characters.

    Questions, comments, suggestions on where to advertise WEM?
    Friday, November 16th, 2007
    3:03 am
    Here's your friends add list. Just go to your console and copy paste this over. It should add all characters and shops.

    friend add alightinthedark
    friend add andriel
    friend add bards_n_strings
    friend add deaths_sidekick
    friend add dragonsanzo
    friend add ii_xigbar
    friend add iii_xaldin
    friend add kitsunezack
    friend add lucy_ferrara
    friend add lyn_strife
    friend add maruset
    friend add megda_breeton
    friend add phoenix_springs
    friend add prexte
    friend add relativepuzzles
    friend add rena_maxwell
    friend add saki_chan
    friend add sora_valentine
    friend add sparklyillusion
    friend add tirren_phale
    friend add velvet_slipper
    friend add victor_a_creed
    friend add worldsendbar
    friend add wordsarepower
    Monday, August 20th, 2007
    6:04 pm
    Here is a list of stores that are currently active in WEM. After a person has played for a month, they can apply for a store if they wish.

    Stores )
    6:03 pm
    Application )
    We do ask that you be 15 years or older to join.

    Please send the application to icedark_elf at Make -sure- that you title it WEM Application: whoever you are applying for.
    5:57 pm
    Rules And Stuff Like That

    Look under the hat )
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