Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Have list

Yes I really am this bored. Here's a character list sorted by first letter. ._.
Read more... )
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Sunday, May 30th, 2010

I don't have a walking icon.

I come bearing some useful info for the RP! Although... it might be a little bit late to be useful, but whatever!

Someone over on LJ has figured out the exact distances between locations in Ferelden, which I'm reposting here. The majority are travel times to/from Denerim, but she's taking requests for other distances, so if there's any others you're curious about, hop over there and ask. I'll be sure to keep this updated.

The second set of numbers is using a Walk Time Calculator that was also included. (Basically, it takes 2.5 miles per hour.) The times don't include breaks, camping at night, being ambushed by Darkspawn, stopping for arguments, etc.

Behind here, to spare your friend pages. )
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Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Received Pronunciation?

So, this topic has come up a lot lately, and I figured I'd make a thread for it so we have a common reference.

How do you pronounce your characters' names?
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Friday, February 12th, 2010

this is what happens when Bethen gets bored...

I present to you all a chart of basic statistics for all of the current accepted characters, which will hopefully be updated with every set of adds.

All data has been gleaned and gathered from biographies, memes, and the two lists begun by [info]utheriel and [info]azabeth. If anything is incorrect, please let me know, and definitely fill me in on missing info -- i.e. birthdates and heights! I also guessed on eye/hair color based on googling PBs and staring closely at icons, so if those are wrong, correct me and I'll get to fixing it ASAP. Enjoy!

EDITED TO ADD: If anyone needs to figure out months, the calendar is here, and [info]rhocanth whipped up an awesome height chart that should give you a vague idea of what the right range is for non-humans. I can calculate age/year for you and compensate if you choose a date that doesn't add up right, and I will be updating ages as we go through our IC calendar. The current month is now Molioris.
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Monday, January 25th, 2010

.chibi wars. (oh, it's on)

Since January 25th marked Chibi 'Splosion, I thought it would be super-neato to have a thread for everyone to post their chibi incarnations.

CUTENESS-SPLOSION:: Proceed with caution


(if you have various ages feel free to post them too!)

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Saturday, January 16th, 2010

~greywardens demography )
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Friday, January 1st, 2010

icons + tutorials!

Because I enjoy sharing, for those of you who have a shortage of icons, I present you with two very helpful resources that will likely aid you in your search for icons made by people who do it for a hobby:

[info]wikicon - check the memories for a directory sorted by PB name.
[info]find_icons - check the tags!

Most mainstream celebrity faces are there, though you may be lucky enough to find some slightly more obscure people as well. And just as a sidenote, it's generally common courtesy to credit the icon makers by putting their journal names in the 'comment' section of the icon uploader. Enjoy! :]

EDIT: Additionally, because I know quite a lot of you guys are new to IJ and adjusting to the format, a very helpful place to learn about how RP, layouts, html, icons, and other kinds of systems work here can be found at [info]rp_tutorials -- specifically, this entry is chock full of VERY useful information. I am still more than willing to help explain something to anyone in any way I can, but if I'm not around or there's something I may not know completely, this is a great resource and way to learn to DIY on IJ.
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