Thursday, December 24th, 2009

What's that scent you're wearing? ...Death, it suits you.

Hey there. I'm Justin, and I give you Conlan. Your second-to-last Grey Warden fill. I'm psyched to have him get out there and do some righteous Grey Wardening.

He's a commoner from Denerim; his dad wanted to be a knight, but that didn't work out. Conlan's mostly just drifted around doing odd jobs for whoever wanted to hire a warrior. You know when you play through the Denerim missions, and everyone seems to have eight or nine guys with swords ready to fight you? Yeah, Conlan was one of those guys... or would have been if he hadn't been 14 during the last Blight. And of course, now he can't be one of those guys since he's a Grey Warden.

He's a sword and board warrior, since it seemed like you guys needed more of both. He's a champion, even though there didn't seem to be a need for more, some of those warrior specializations are really hard to come by, unless you just happen to have an ex-Templar Grey Warden King's bastard hanging around who likes you enough to teach you.

Personality-wise, having spent a large number of years fighting for whomever would hire him has left Conlan a bit world weary. He's given up on those dreams of glory and honor. To him the Grey Wardens are just another in a long list of people who have hired him to go out and kill things. That's not to say he's going to be a depressing rain cloud hanging over Amaranthine. The Grey Wardens name may not mean much to him, but the people he fights beside mean the world, and he'll go to great lengths to make sure they all come home. He's basically a good dude at heart. Not that he'd ever admit it.
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Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Gorim, greet these people...

Hello there! I bring another dwarf for your enjoyment. :) The name's Alex and I'm on AIM a lot (thelexalted) if you'd like to chat. We love plotting.

My little guy's Rhocanth, twerpy noble from Orzammar. Youngest kid of the Garal family, the paragon who moved the capitol to Orzammar, so they're pretty old money. He was exiled recently and etc. He's sort of a nerd and has a thing for poetry, also has baby brother syndrome something awful. He can still hold his own, though, and likes to act bigger than he is (which isn't hard. He's probably like what... 3'9"? X3) Being interested in scholarly pursuits on the side, he's very interested in checking out what humans are like.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and doing fun stuff! Thanks for accepting me, and see you around.
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Saturday, December 19th, 2009

So, finals are over, so now I've finally got time to bother introducing myself.  Totally sorry for ignoring, like, the last five intro posts, I'll make it up to you in scenes, I swear.

The short version: Hi, this is Desi. He has Storm of the Century, and he only thinks he knows how to use it.

The long version: Hi, this is Desi Ledaal. And I'm Rachel (~liaku on IJ, which is never updated, and ~liaku on LJ, if you want to friend me on either), but I'm not the important one here.

So, ugly secret comes first: he's a blood mage.  Hopefully he can keep that little detail under wraps for a while.  He hates Kinloch Hold with a burning passion, so he's only too eager to get out of there, but only with his brother in tow because someone has to tank, and it ain't gonna be squishy mage here. He's a bitter, emo little brat towards the Chantry and anyone affiliated, though he'll behave himself 1) if they're a templar, because he's not quite that bad at making life-changing decisions, or 2) if Beth's around, because she's a doll.

Otherwise, not much really bothers him when it comes to other people.  He's pretty chill and not at all unfriendly (just a bit of a cynic), eager to get out and do stuff since he's spent way too long not doing anything as an apprentice, so grab him and go adventuring, and you'll have a happy little mageling.  [info]constans is his big brother, who he still loves dearly despite the whole Tranquil thing, so play nice and you get +approval from Desi.

He'll be tailing Beth to Amaranthine, so that's his ticket into the plot.  I'm open to pretty much anything as far as scenes and storylines go (famous last words, I know), so feel free to ping me with ideas!  I'll be updating his storylines soon, so if we've got something planned, remind me. :P  You can grab me here, at his contact post, DesiLedaal on AIM, or email at  I'll try to make a habit of chilling in IRC too.
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o hi ^_^

Hello folks! My turn to introduce myself, it seems. First things first, I found this place though SIB, so the swoopers might recognize me over there as mygoodrabbit. I'm pretty shy in the community though, I haven't posted anything of my own yet, just done a lot of replying. I'm not very used to LJ formatting on the whole yet and though I've been RPing in various formats (tabletop, forum, chatroom, WoW, you name it) for years and years now, I've never done an LJ-style game. I hope you'll bear with me as I figure out how things work around here! I'm really excited about this game, DA is such a great setting and, well, having looked at all these characters you've made, there's a hell of a lot of promise here.

I'm playing Constans, a twenty-five year old human Tranquil. He is Desiderio's older brother, and has been as he is now for about two years. He was a good student in his previous life, fairly popular among the other apprentices, and at 23 suspiciously overdue for his Harrowing before he suddenly turned up Tranquil, which has lead to unconfirmed rumors around the tower that the Rite of Tranquility was forced on him for reasons that vary depending on the paranoia of the teller. The official word on the matter is that he volunteered for the Rite, a tale which he will affirm if questioned.

Constans has spent much of the last two years learning enchantment (go ahead, get it out of your systems, you know you want to), which is intensive and surprisingly physically demanding work, as it often requires the manipulation of metals. In addition to the enrichment that enchantment brings the Circle, the work keeps him isolated with other Tranquil much of the time, out of sight and mind of the rest of the tower... apparently a status the the senior mages find desirable.

It seems as though he is going to be traveling beside his brother, the other mages and the contingent of Templars to Amaranthine, his enchantment skills being presented as an additional gesture of aid to the Wardens on behalf of the Circle.
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Freshly Accepted

Hi everyone, I have been talking about nothing but this RPG for the last four days, and am just thrilled to have been accepted. I have very limited journal RPG experience but have been playing D & D for years and just recently have taken up in the Twitter RP Army (Sten and Leliana).

My character is Thren Canondais, and apostate who was taken in and raised by the dwarf who rescued him from his birthfather.


Now cut )
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Just want to say hello to everyone, and introduce myself. I have RPed before, but never in such a setting so I'm looking forward to seeing how this works out and meeting everyone ^_^. I'm Niki, and I applied after some friends from SiB decided to give it a go and created the character of Imenry here. She's a companion character.

Imenry Barras is a human warrior, Reaver specialization, who uses two-handed swords. She previously lived in a harsh mountainous town far to the south west and thus is not really aware of the previous Blight and surrounding events. After the death of her parents and many others she descended from the mountains to pursue a life on the road. Any knowledge she has of the war is recently acquired, though she certainly keeps her ears open for rumors during her travels.

She is, simply put, a killer. Her abilities give her strength from the suffering of others and she does enjoy it, so she's certainly not a sweet lovable sort. ;) She has spent the past couple of years travelling from city to city and village to village across Thedas, and makes a living for herself by taking contracts, particularly against difficult targets, because she prefers when they fight back. She is also a survivor, and knows well enough to hunt and find her food if it comes to that.

Though she will kill someone rather than spare their life, she is not entirely heartless. Most of what she does it what she thinks serve her best in her bid to survive. Her skills can easily be bought and sold, though she is not entirely without loyalty, which may come over time. 

Because she is travelling across Thedas there may be ample opportunities for her to run into anyone, should they be interested, and I would love a chance to Roleplay with you all. Feel free to check out my homepage for more info on her if you're interested, or ask me any questions you like! Thank you :)
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Thursday, December 17th, 2009

Maker's blessings!

Well, allow me to throw my hat in here with the other new recruits! My name's Doran, though a lot of you know me as Tech.

I will be playing Ser Alderic Thearre, who fills the Templar premade. I did deviate just a tad from the pre-written bio, only in when he was sent to the Tower. (I actually didn't realize it until this morning. Oops!) He was sent to the Mage's Tower when he was 13, almost immediately after the Blight, as the Tower was in need of Templar recruits after Uldred's attack. Witnessing that aftermath was definitely no fun for someone so young! In the end, though, he was incredibly enthusiastic about his studies, and ended up taking his vows and becoming a Templar when he was 18 -- young, compared to the age Templars were christened in the past, but the Tower was undoubtedly in need of "official" Templars at that point.

He's been a Chantry man more or less his entire life, and since he was set on the path to becoming a Templar so early, he's fairly sheltered and very much devoted to the Maker and his duties as a Templar. He's been at the Tower for 15 years now, and had only really left it a handful of times since then, to go on Apostate hunts. So, naturally, this journey to become a Grey Warden and fight the Blight is going to be a new and unusual experience for him.

Don't worry about him being a stony faced, unapproachable Templar like a good many of his brethren, though! He admittedly doesn't make friends easily (by his own choice), but he's a genuinely good-natured and well-meaning man, even to Mages. He even had a good friend in the past who was an Elven Mage, so he understand the plights those two groups undergo. His duties always come first, but that doesn't mean he can't be polite.

Unless you're a terrible horrible no-good very-bad Apostate or Maleficar, of course. Which we seem to have a lot of! Between all of them, and Deidre, the poor guy's going to have his work cut out for him.

Aaand there you have it! Like Rai down there, I am ridiculously excited about being a part of the community. I haven't been in a group like this in a long time, but everything I've seen so far -- both the community itself, and all of the characters you guys have created -- are top notch. I'm looking forward to it! Feel free to pester me any time about storylines/connections/etc, I'd be happy to plot stuff out or even just chat.

Thanks for accepting me! (And geez, sorry for the wall of text.)
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andaran atish’an, lethallin.

Hello everyone! The name is Dani and this is the first time I've ever RPed on a journal-type (I.E. InsaneJournal, GreatestJournal, LiveJournal, etc.) game since I spent my former RPing time on forums and stuff. So, I guess you could say that I'm a newcomer to this sort of thing. Nonetheless, I was super excited to join this RPG and ultra-super excited for Saturday. :D

So here is Faer Arandil (FAY-AIR AH-RAN-DILL) and he's a Dalish Elf mage who, until recently, was the Keeper's Assistant of his clan since it was likely that he would eventually fill her shoes later down in the road. But, because of a little run-in he had with shemlens (humans), he and his childhood friend, Jaden Tahal ([info]tahal), were forced to be exiled from their clan and is currently on the run from the Templars in the Brecilian Forest. That's right, folks, he's an apostate mage.

His magic consists of all four branches of Entropy, Summoning and Death with the added specialization of Shapeshifting.

Personality-wise? Well, Faer isn't exactly what you would call the extrovert since he's not really approachable. In fact, he's very shy and bashful, doesn't say much and only speaks when he feels there's real need for it (which is very rare.) He's a private person who enjoys his independence and only calls a few certain people his friends as he isn't one to really trust easily. But, he's fiercely loyal and honest (perhaps even a little too honest as times), compassionate and always willing to stick up for the less fortunate. He's snarky at times can seem a little aloof and snobbish, but he's really not and actually enjoys laughing a lot more than you would think. As for battle tactics, his hate for confrontations allow him to act as the supporter who will power up allies, weaken foes and he will never deliver the final strike.

Considering he's been in the Brecilian Forest all his life, it's probable that he'll really only know other Dalish Elves, but we can always plot for the future. He is a well-rounded character, so we can go every which way you desire for him. :]
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Well hello to everyone! My name is Terri, or T, or some people here might know me as Rai... well, I pretty much answer to "Hey you," so call me what you like! :D

I represent one Miss Viara (vai-ara, not vee-ara) Tremaine, your friendly neighborhood pirate. Though, that's 'Captain' to you. At least at first! She is a relatively friendly pirate, though. Miss Vi is of odd descent, being half-Orlesian, half-Dalish (and therefore all human!), and raised on an island belonging to the country of Rivain until she decided to swim a bit too far out in the ocean, got caught in a squall, and got rescued by a ship called The Siren's Call, captained by one Miss Isabela, along with her twin brother Darek. Since then, ships have been her home, and she even has her own ship now! It's called The Northern Star. Being a pirate after Isabela's training, she is a Dual-Weapon-wielding Duelist, who prefers short swords or rapiers and daggers.

Her ship is oddly populated, and full of elven pirates, along with one Master Chef Bhobigo Ferrik, a peg-legged red-headed dwarven pirate, terror of the high seas and the kitchen. (Don't mess with his saffron. Seriously. He will cut you.)

Her ship and crew tend to leave more lingering impressions than Captain Vi herself, who is very short and slight due to being a sickly baby. She is also not normally loud and vivacious like most pirates -- although she can be, when the situation calls for it -- but instead she tends to be quiet, thoughtful, deliberate, and practical. She is hesitant to let people in, but her true friends she guards as viciously as she would family. She is exceptionally observant and fairly intelligent, and she likes keeping secrets. And she has lots and lots of secrets. She also enjoys climbing onto high things and fine cooking -- she can be very picky about food. But she is still a pirate! She will drink and cuss and swear and fight, and she does do lots of illegal things, all the time, along with just as many legal things -- you know, just to keep it fresh.

In closing, I'd just like to say -- I am probably way too excited to get going with a new community of roleplayers; it's been a long time for me. I am ready and willing to do just about anything, so shoot me a line to plot, scheme, plan, or just plain talk about things! Yay!
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Atrast Vala!

And here's another newcomer dropping off her introductory greeting. :3 Hello all, I'm known as Phoenix, though folks elsewhere usually shorten it to Phe. I bring another dwarf into the ranks, one who has the bonus of already being dead and as such you won't find her balking at putting her 15+ years of darkspawn-slaying experience to use in aiding our new Grey Wardens... just as soon as someone dredges her up out of the Deep Roads, anyhow. She's from the Legion of the Dead under Orzammar, and as such you'll have to forgive me not having a pretty little PB like the rest of you. I wanted those tattoos and awesome suit of Legion armor on her, you see, so it's screenshots all the way for me, baby. ;)

She was a participant in the final battle of the Fifth Blight at Denerim and a firsthand witness to the fall of the Archdemon, so between that and being dead, her biggest concern in life death is killing more of those nasty darkspawn blighters. She'll prove a loyal and supportive Companion as long as you have similar priorities, but even if you don't, she'll still watch your back up until you give her a reason not to. She's fought alongside people of all walks of life, both in the Legion and during the Fifth Blight, so she's given up all those silly prejudices that plague so many others in Ferelden.

Just don't ever let her be your group's spokesperson, mkay? When it comes to political dealings, she's as tactful as a raging bronto.
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Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Hello, hello, one and all! I'm Kimberly, and this fellow right here is one Jaden Tahal. He's filled the "Dalish Elf" premade. And he is, in fact, a Dalish elf. As such, he's lived most of his life in the forest with his clan, away from cities and humans and other various creatures. The first Blight occurred when he was still a child, which lead to his being taught how to handle a sword, which he's pretty handy at. He is now on the run with his old friend, the Apostate Mage, trying to escape some pesky Templars who wished to bring his friend to the Chantry.

Personality-wise? He's as loyal to his friends as can be, though it's slow-going to win his trust. He's wary of 'outsiders', which includes just about anyone but other Dalish elves, and even them he'll keep at a safe distance. His little ideal life has been torn apart, and he's none too pleased about this, so he's a bit of a hot-head (not that he wasn't before) with a habit of acting before he thinks. He's not stupid, however; he just tends to act with his heart rather than his head.

So yes. This is turning out awkward as my brain proceeds to stop working. Currently, he and his friend are traveling the countryside, trying to keep out of reach of the Templars (who might be a bit bitter because of the way Jaden and Faer escaped them). I'm open for plotting and the like. Can't wait to get started! Dragon Age has got to be one of the MOST badass games I have played in my many years of gaming!
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introducing she-who-breaks-the-laws-of-nature-kind-of

Hello, everyone! I'm Alice, and I'll be bringing you the Dwarf Mage premade--y'know, the one who really shouldn't exist naturally? According to all recognized facts about magic and dwarves? Yea-p. That's her.

Her name is Signe [pronounced sig-NEE or sig-NAY, as near as I can tell, though if anyone is much up on their Norse myth and wants to tell me the correct pronunciation I would be forever in your debt!] - she was once Signe daughter of Orsin of the Smith Caste, but when her distant cousin Dagna was made a Paragon for discovering how to make dwarves into mages, Signe was raised (along with every other good-for-nothing person who could claim feasible relation to the new Paragon) to the nobility and made Signe Dagna, or Signe of House Dagna. Of course, now that she's been exiled from Orzammar and made Casteless, she's right back to plain ol' Signe.

She's a young, clever girl, if a little bit withdrawn; but she's never been to the surface, and only left Orzammar once or twice in her life (and that, recently)--she's got a lot of those troublesome dwarven superstitions about the surface and topsiders. Like, are you definitely sure that we're not going to fall up into the sky and burn to death on the sun? ..... can you check? Just to make sure. She became a mage mostly because of peer-pressure and nepotism--the extended family pressured Paragon Dagna into "doing some good for us for once" and administering the Lyrium Treatment to at least one family member. Conscious of this, Signe has been working her butt off to prove that she's not just another good-for-nothing member of the newest and probably least worthwhile noble family in the Diamond District.

I'd love to plot with you guys~! Establishing any common history with her might be tough, if you're not the Dwarf Commoner or Orzammar Noble or someone else from Orzammar, since Sigs has been underground her entire life, but we can always plan something for later down the road!

edit: I think there is a reason that I should never be allowed to do anything after waking up at 6AM. It's actually Signy and I have been writing Signe all day and oh god I do not have a brain I need to go smarten up or something.
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Hello from Me to You!

Greetings from the puppet-master behind our resident elven mercenary. It's a pleasure to be joining all of you!

Seda is a rogue (my god there are so many of us! but she's an elf so it's different ;p) who has a preference for close combat as opposed to that distant stuff. She loves the thrill that facing an opponent face-to-face brings. However, it is not just the battle of blades that she takes pleasure in. She takes an almost perverse pleasure in talking people into following her every whim or into anything really if she is bored enough.

After the death of her parents in a werewolf attack the young and naive Seda decided all that the clan had taught her was a lie. She soon left the forest and headed towards the 'real' world. After a few years toughing it out on the streets doing whatever it took to survive she caught the eye of a band of mercenaries. Forcibly drafted into joining them she hasn't exactly formed close bonds. However, they pay well and they travel so she figures they will work until a better (any) opportunity comes along.

Generally aloof and sarcastic Seda secretly craves the close companionship that she had when her parents were still alive. She has learned that acting sweet and innocent (and a little clueless) often wield better results than her usual attitude. Strangely she also acts this way when she is angry (passive agressive much?).

- She has a (secret) fondness for stories and gadgetry/toys.
- She can cook (decently) as long as it is over a fire and not some weird human contraption.
- while no connoisseur she does enjoy imbibing in spirits and loves a good drinking game.
- Is still occasionally baffled by the culture around her.

any plotting is welcome... she could use the adventure
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Monday, December 14th, 2009

Hey everyone!

It's my turn, is it? Well hello there! My name is Kelsey and this skinny, young thing is Lalin. She is a elven rogue from Denerim with a knack for potions and poisons. Meaning she can heal you right up or make you vomit up blood, depending on her mood.

Her father walked out on her at birth, her mother a few years after that. She was raised by her grandmother, then, when her grandmother died, by her fellow street rats, then by a woman who expanded on her gift with herbs and taught her poisons. After that she was tumbled by a Alienage gang leader who honed thievery skills learned on the streets in her youth and taught her how to be sneaky, though not sneaky enough, apparently, considering her recent bout in the Denerim jail.

If there's anything the girl lacks in life, it's consistency.

She's a nice enough girl, who's life has taught her to roll with the punches and then get up and keep on going. Her "eh, whatever" attitude towards many of life's problems will likely get on your nerves at one time or another. She also has a tendency to ramble, inside her head and out and finds the silliest things hilarious, but give her a book or recipe or new fighting technique to study and this girl is all business.

She would like very much to get to know you. ;)
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Greetings from the shady side of Ferelden

Jess / Amerou here, playing Azabeth Kordura, newly resident sneakthief, gambler, and horrid cheat extraordinaire. :D

Az was born to a scullery maid in a noble house in Denerim, and adopted at a young age by a visiting arlessa, Valeré. Valeré raised Az alongside her own daughter Lelahai, only while Lela got the courtier lessons, Az got taught how to pick pockets and win at cards. :D Unfortunately, when your patron brokers information to the nobility of Ferelden and you happen to be the source of that information half the time, you get into some shady things. Not that Az didn't love every second of it...

... at least till some bastard killed Valeré, and Lelahai branded Az the murder.

Now, our redheaded gambling rogue is on the run from the law, and for once she didn't actually do what she's been accused of! If you're looking to get her attention, start a game of cards or dice in a bar, or flash a bit of coin and see if she'll pick your pocket. ;3 Her loyalty can be earned under the right circumstances, or bought for the right price....

Az can be just about anywhere in Thedas at this time. Drop me a line if you'd like to pick up a cardsharp with a smart mouth and keen daggers!
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Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Your Obligatory Hi! Post

Hi kids! I normally go by Lex, and I'll be playing Ferelden's Indiana Jones.

....well, sort of. The quirky adventurer pictured here is Deidre "Dee" Aisli: scholar, world traveler, and relic hunter for the Chantry of Andraste. Orphaned at an early age, a wee bit of trouble she caused in Denerim when she was seven landed her in the care of Sister Justine. If you guys played the Forgotten Verses quest in the game, she is the one who identifies and decrypts part of the manuscripts found in the Ruined Temple which houses the Holy Grail Urn of Sacred Ashes. I guess you can say Dee is her protege... if she were a better would-be priestess of Andraste. It's hard to shepherd the meek and the salt of the earth when you're a reckless, mountain-climbing, cave-diving, tomb-raiding antiquities retriever after all!

....all in the name of Andraste, of course. >.> How did she manage to stay with the Chantry again?

She's handy with a pair of blades, a budding expert in the lore and history of Thedas, and at present she's trying to secure a position in Queen Anora's panel of scholars dedicated to learning more about the Blight and the Darkspawn...except her petition has been rejected twice due to her youth. While considered too green (still?!) by most prestigious scholars like Brother Genetivi, she has assisted and led plenty of expeditions that have taken her across Ferelden and in its surrounding countries. While not a prospective Grey Warden like some of you folks, she is a recruitable party member and she's probably not hard to convince to come with you.

Need a hook? A connection? Drop me a line! I'm game for almost anything.
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Sunday, December 13th, 2009

I'll go next, I guess! So, this is Bethen Avilla, Circle Mage, and whom I've dubbed as "Mini-Wynne", being the resident Spirit Healer and concerned mother hen. Long story short, Beth was born in Lothering, brought to the Tower roughly two years before the Blight hit, and was one of those children standing around in the apprentice quarters when the Warden came to rescue them. It's the trauma of living through the hostile takeover by blood mages and abominations that's shaped her into the obnoxiously goody-two-shoes type of person she is now. She was a fully fledged mage who worked in the library and assisted the senior enchanters before Alistair showed up and asked for volunteers; naturally, Beth leaped at the chance to join the Grey Wardens, as it's both an honor, and an opportunity for her to finally get to see the rest of the world for the first time in 17 years.

Personality wise, she's very sweet and even-tempered, will almost always Do the Right Thing, and is well read and book smart, but incredibly naive, gullible, and street stupid, a bleeding heart just waiting to be taken advantage of. So basically, this whole adventure is like the personal quest that will "harden" her. :P Questions? Plotting? Hit me up here, or on my contact post. I reaaaally look forward to playing with everyone! :D
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Someone has to be the first...

So let it be me. Yay subjunctives! Anyway. Hai. It's early. And I've been awake for at least 24 hours now. So I apologize for the ridiculousness that will follow.

I have here Coan Bryland, who has been conscripted and is more excited about becoming a Grey Warden than he probably should be. He's the Ferelden noble, and would be considered a warrior. His mother is the Teyrna of Gwaren since Loghain has been pwnt in his douchey face. Some asshole is trying to have him killed, osm, he's not having that mess. He also has an adorable Mabari who probably hates you, idk idk, I need to sleep so I'm going to attempt that. Lines and such etc etc, leave a message here or in my drop boooox! 8D
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