Monday, March 1st, 2010

This is Tobias Lecter Statler. otherwise affectionately known as Grandpa Templar

He likes being a Templar, in fact, he freaking loves it. It's been his entire life for fifty years. In fact, don't really talk too bad about it, or he'll be forced to give you an Anthony Hopkin's narrated lecture. And his heterosexual lifemate Jeremy Irons Roderic Ennis will be annoyed, cause he had to sit through the same lecture again. For the 50th time.

When Tobias was 19, Maric broke the Orlesian occupation, and later that year, under growing political tension, he saved a young Orlesian Apostate Helen Mirren Lorna Bedeau. He convinced her to submit to Kinloch Hold, and be trained as an official mage.

He's been a busy guy, living a full 62 years. Chances are, if you've been annoyed/nearly killed/lectured/put in a horrible situation by Dee, or lectured/glared at by Alderic. It's Tobias' fault...

He has plenty of Blight Stories to share, including the Battle of Ostagar (where he nearly died), his life long obsession with the Urn of Sacred Ashes (which lead to being kidnapped by Reavers, Imenry, I'm sorry), and the final battle in Denerim. What he won't tell you is that during Denerim's rebuild, he realized he was quite in love with Lorna, and he subsequently broke off his friendship with her. (The two make up a year later, sans bow chicka)

More recently, he's been investigating the rumored Apostate Mage's Circle. Despite his advancing age, he goes, taking a small team (including Lorna). One night, Lorna and Tobias are attacked by an abomination; and during the battle, Lorna disappears. He followed her tracks for several hundred yards before they vanished. He suspects that the Rogue Circle has something to do with her disappearance, and is looking for them with a renewed vigor.

At game start, he is waiting for his lifemate partner Roderick, and is frantically searching for information about Lorna's whereabouts. This likely puts him in with Group 1, and with poor Signy (who gets a Grey Warden 'Get-out-of-execution-free' card), and Aurin, who Tobias hates (srsly Aurin, why can't you be a nice boy, like Alderic?)

For you Circle Tower Mage kids: Tobias is that stern, reserved Templar, who politely talks to you. He'd offer sage, kind old man advice, but would slice you open during your Harrowing, before you could say 'OMG'. Also, For you Circle Tower Templar Kids, don't slack off on your Templar Training, i.e hiding during lessons, napping during prayer/pious contemplation (yes, Warden Commander, I'm looking at you)
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Sunday, February 28th, 2010

This is Branwyn. She is yet another mage, hailing from Rivain. She's had some interesting experiences. Her mom had her tongue cut out by some jealous, Qun following bitch. She lived with the Dalish up north there for a while before they traveled into Rivain proper. She and her mother are peddlers, and they entertain (in an un-whorish fashion) for moneys. She's traveled from Rivain, through Antiva, the Free Marches and Nevarra, then Ferelden. She's currently in Lothering, headed toward Redcliffe, unaware of the bs that's about to go down, there.

She's very social, loves attention and excitement. She gets bored easily, so she's always looking for some kind of stimulation. That might get annoying. She doesn't think much of being a mage. she's used her abilities mostly as entertainment and defense - because she's never known her mother not to do these things, it's hard for her to make a big deal out of it. So she doesn't get the Chantry's obsession, and will look at you crosseye'd and tell you you're impractical when you try to explain it.

Uuuh. I'm very tired right now, so I can't think of much else. Everything's in her bio, obvs. So. Yes.
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Friday, February 26th, 2010

Introduction Post: Valan Arandil

Hey guys, this is Faer's Dad. All you need to know about him is this:

He will kick your ass, in a dance off.

Okay, but seriously, he's a warrior, champion, dual-wielder. He's a Dalish Elf, obviously. He's pretty much the silent stoic type. But you'll know if he disapproves. You will know.

He prefers elves, especially Dalish, over others races and pretty much hates humans because they killed his wife, who he loved very much, and still loves, so no, he will not sleep with you. He knows the forests well, and is good with tracking and hunting. He's led his people into battles before, but he can be content to follow. His biggest concern right now is finding out what happened to his son, so he has just left his clan to go searching for him. For this reason I'm thinking it's more likely he'll run into the group down in the forest, even though that's pretty crowded atm.

But yeah, he's open for backscening with any other Dalish or people who might have come into the forest at times. Hit me up if you want some Chris Walken action.

(P.S. I also play Imenry and Hissra in case you didn't know)
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Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Hey everyone! This is Kelsey ([info]lalin) with the eldest Ledaal brother. He is a fairly serious man and the well-liked Bann of a small area in the Northwest of the Bannorn near the Imperial Highway. He is very, very procective of his younger brothers and would defend any of them with his life. Because that is what big brothers do, but also because he loves them very much and is not in any way ashamed to admit that. He holds a great amount of resentment toward both the Chantry and the Templars (and dislikes/hates anyone in association with them on principle) who took his little brothers away from him and would happily tear the Tower down around their ears if he got the chance. He has yet to see Constans in full Tranquil mode, but, when he does, you Templars better watch out.

I would love to plot with anyone who might have known him at one point or another. :D You know you want to! How could you resist that face?

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Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Hey alllll.

So this is my Templar, Loïc Arkaitz. He's eighteen, and has just taken his vows within the last.. Year or so, and he's never actually left the tower until now. He's got a pretty unshakeable belief in the idea that the Maker provides all, and that whatever happens is supposed to happen, so I suppose the lot of you will try and beat that out of his little head as soon as you can. Oh well. XD

He was raised by first a lyrium-addled templar and then he was taken to the tower once another templar realised that was probably not really a good thing.. After that, he was pretty much just.. Everywhere. He liked being helpful and learning and such so he hung around whomever would let him hang around, and delivered messages and held things in place and that sort of thing. Eventually he wanted to be a templar, and they didn't really see any reason why he shouldn't be, so.. Here he is.

Personality-wise, he's a bit on the shy side. He's friendly, but you've pretty much got to initiate conversation. He still likes to be helpful, and useful, and really thrives on the approval of others for the most part. He's trying to be a shiny, good templar, but is still working out precisely HOW to go about doing that.. He's only had one experience with blood magic, and it really just affirmed that the stuff exists rather than anything else, so in terms of actual templaring, he's pretty green. I don't think he's really ever fought anything aside from the training dummy and fistfights with a handful of other initiates - and that wasn't his fault anyhow. But despite all this passivity and youthfulness, he's not a bad swordsman, and he has a good, reasonable head, and his magical senses are pretty well attuned, so there isn't just some kid to be rolled over. There IS some actual, you know.. Matter and hardiness. It's just kind of hiding behind squishy, at the moment.. Soooooooooo, yay, templar!
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I bring to you Eileen Wyland, sister to Ordhan and Circle Enchanter. She has been at the tower since she was six. She survived that whole abomination mess (clearly) and it left her with a pretty big grudge against blood magic. While she has no real problem with apostates, is jealous of them in fact, she absolutely cannot abide maleficars. Seriously, no lie. She saw what it could do and it ended up enforcing some of that Chantry crap they keep on preaching. She believes that the mages do need to be policed and understands the need for Templars, though she doesn't always agree with them... on a lot of things. She abhors being trapped in the tower and hopes that one day all mages will be free of its confining walls.

She is a teacher and it is one of the few things she enjoys doing. She takes great enjoyment from helping others, it is the only time she feels as if she has any purpose. She adores children but is not the type to coddle them. In fact, she is incredibly frank and is unlikely to coddle anyone, preferring to tell them the truth no matter the pain it causes. She is very patient and even-tempered with a good sense of humor. She knows how to take a joke and tries to find the bright side in all things. Generally quiet in social settings unless she is comfortable with people she can often comes off as being cold.

Note for people with dogs! (or any animal really) Eileen absolutely adores animal, however, she is incredibly nervous around them due to how her magic first manifested. There was a fire and she got some ice to appear and put it out... only problem was she froze a dog she was playing with in the process, killing the poor thing. She is incredibly terrified that she will accidentally hurt an animal if she gets too close to them. So she will probably be watching them, wanting to pet them and coo at them, but be standing as far away as possible just staring at them longingly.

I could probably go on but I will just be lazy and go say... READ HER BIO! if not I will go on ranting about her forever. oh also for those who do not know, Eileen is brought you by the same person (me!) who also plays [info]utheriel + [info]karashok
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Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

it's either hola or salve, but

In either case, HIYA. This is Alice, player of Signy, who has finally given in to the awful awesome temptation of starting a second character. (It's like real Dragon Age. As soon as you get one PC going it's all "OH MAN SO AWESOME NEED MORE.")

Ahem. Anyway. Lucressia Artedì Peron is a traveling merchant from Antiva. Merchant. Say it with me: merrrchant. She's definitely not a assassin, and she's definitely not an Antivan Crow, and she definitely doesn't work for Master Ignacio. She also definitely ..... what? She really is headed to Amaranthine at the head of a merchant convoy, though. On any missions she goes out on in a Companion-esque capacity, she's probably going to insist on filling the Bodhan Feddick role: I mean, you definitely need someone to buy up all those zillion Darkspawn daggers and pieces of shiny rock that you looted, right?

In a different circumstance, Lucressia would have made a great actress: the things she likes most about being an assassin are playing characters, making up lies, and the elaborate ruses, schemes, and tricks she comes up with to get at targets—they're genuinely games to her, and Lucressia really enjoys games and pretending. It's probably one of the reasons she's very tight-lipped about being a Crow—that and shouting it from the rooftops isn't exactly a good career move in most places. She's not very combat-oriented, hanging most of her strategy on surprise attacks, quick incapacitations, and poison, but she fangirls very much admires women who can hold their own in a fight.

She's been working for Ignacio since 9:36, and has spent a good chunk of that time (mostly in the spring and summer) in Denerim, usually in the Market District, and she has traveled Southeastern Thedas pretty extensively, so anyone who is interested—I would looooove to do backscenes/plot previous interactions. Like, a sizable chunk of my reason for wanting a second character was "oooh backscenes cool--awww, Signy underground".

So, the tl;dr version, because I rambled: "Assassin. Also selling stuff. Backscenes. Excitement! Enchantment!"
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Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Guten Tag~

Jess/Az here, introducing Hilda Aelricsdottr, a bard of a different colour! She's a skald from the Anderfels, on her journeyman-quest to determine the fate of her brother, Albrecht, who had a vision of Andraste and dedicated himself to the Chantry. Well, the Chantry sent her a letter saying he is dead, but not how, where or why - and Hilda's search has brought her first to Amaranthine, almost on accident.

Hilda is 6'3", a great lover of story, song and learning, with a highly trained memory, a friendly smile, and an accent thick enough to suffocate in. She's patient and keen, but don't assume a thick accent means a thick head - she's seen her share of darkspawn too, and that bow is not for show.

Anyone in Amaranthine, feel free to hit me for scenage! I am insatiable. Hilda was also in Orlais for a while about 6 years pre-game, so anyone in the area during that time, I would be happy to backscene with you!
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Because I'm Really Slow...

I haven't introduced this character yet.  Anyway, this is Hissra, and he is the Qunari mage. He is a typical Qunari, believes in the Qun, and is big and tall and stoic. He believes he is dangerous because of his magic abilities and is used to being either constantly guarded or under lock and key. He is unsettled by this new freedom, but believes in completing the mission he came to Ferelden to do.

Not much is known about him, and his past is a rather short and boring story, without any knowledge of his family (typical of Qunari really) or much relationship with others outside of fighting alongside his brothers in battle. He finds honor in helping to spread the word of the Qun. In Ferelden he will defer to the leadership of the Karashok in all situations because he is not used to being in charge, and because the other man is a Qunari warrior. He will shortly be joining Shok to keep vigil at Amaranthine (I swear I'll get on that faster than the intro).

There is not much else to say. But he is bound to be a curiosity in this land. And he will answer any questions. You can take a look at his rather short bio if you're so interested. Otherwise, I look forward to having him interact with you guys in the course of the game! And yes, I also play Imenry so I'm really not hard to track down if you want to talk scenes or anything :)
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Sunday, January 17th, 2010

A Greeting

Meet Pavak Sethi.

He's a strange elf, a mage trained as a thief from Dairsmuid, the capital of Rivain. He was reluctantly sold by his parents into apprenticeship in the Thieves Guild, and is currently running for his life after an unfortunate power coup has left him a very unpopular person around town. He's cocky, proud, a consummate flirt and a generous friend. He can't turn down a challenge of any kind, and loves anything that strikes him as fancy or new - people or objects. He'd steal a crown jewel and then turn around and hand it away, because the goods mean little to him. It's the thrill of the attempt and the rush of success that holds real value for him.

He gets along well with almost everyone, being a fairly mild person. He secretly fancies himself a bit of the 'gentleman thief', and takes great pride in being able to charm his way out of a sticky place as easily as using a spell. He falls in and out of love, easily and often, no matter the gender. He's attracted to beauty and the ideal of it, rather than any particular sex.

He's currently seeking passage out of Dairsmuid to escape his enemies within the guild, and has heard rumors that there is a vessel with a female captain that sails to Denerim at the docks. With Ferelden being the furthest place from Rivain he can think of, this sounds just fine to Pavak...

He'll be arriving shortly, and be looking forward to meeting up with everyone in the future!

P.S. This is Cormac Murrough's player. :D
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Thursday, January 14th, 2010


Hello all. I'm Jabs, and I just now got the chance to introduce myself.

I've got Raelias Lóravarnion, an alienage elf from the city of Val Royeaux. He's a rogue with a specialty in assassination, and is usually in a rather poor mood due to a life thus far filled with rebellion, hardship, and bitterness. He hated being in the alienage, and never understood why he and so many others were. Even less though, he understood why all the elves seemed to just sit back and take it. From what he could tell, there was nothing that set the humans apart as being better - in fact, they frequently seemed to be immoral, terrible people. So he issued a steady rebellion. That continued through his youth, until he managed to get a sentence of execution, which he - clearly - escaped. Now he's wandering around as a bit of a vigilante. He happens to be tall for an elf, so at times, he can actually pass as a human, with shaggy hair covering his ears.

He usually works with small daggers and the like, but he has a proficiency in archery as well. His skills lie in thievery, trap-making, and survival, being highly aware of his surroundings and how most events tend to play out.

Aside from that, he really just.. Dislikes almost everybody off the bat. You've got to work your way around to earning another opinion. For somewhat clear reasons, he dislikes humans the most, but he doesn't trust elves entirely either, and has very little experience with dwarves, and thus dislikes them on principle. YAY. He's not totally an arse though. He stands up for all the underdogs, and has a rigidly strict sense of justice that propells him through everything he does. So, if you appeal to him on that principle, he's more likely to be slightly-less-hostile.

So yes. Check out my journal for all the stuff if you just feel like reading it in it's entirety, and feel free to try and drag Raelias into some of the action! He's good for it.
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Friday, January 8th, 2010


He is a Karashok. He is not here to be social with you. He is here on orders to investigate the Blight and aid in its swift end. He traveled south to these lands with a slightly larger party but there was a scuffle and he may have gotten separated from them. He does not need to explain himself to you. He has his orders and even without the rest of the group he will follow them until they are complete.

As none of you are of the Qun you are less. You are smaller like a child. It is not your fault though, in time you will gain enlightenment and become one with the Qun or you will perish. It is as simple as that and he is not going to be torn up by whatever fate awaits you. He is patient and will put up with the pestering that is sure to come. All people to the south are nosy and there is no point in becoming angry over such a minor issue. However, you are not gaining any favor by bothering him so or any information if that is what you seek. If you complete your tasks and fulfill your role he will hold a small measure of respect for you. Those who do otherwise... he has no use for those sort.

Overall, this Karashok is a strong and dedicated fighter who will not be swayed from his goals. His morals may be slightly different than those admired around here but he will not bend them. He is quite honorable and admires courage, determination and hard work. Of course if you are simply all talk... well there is not much to admire there. The Karashok appreciates action, though not reckless or completely thoughtless. His life has been full of battle and he knows the importance of careful planning. That is not to say he does not know that some things are beyond planning but he simply appreciates good tactics. Nevertheless, he will battle at your side tirelessly until the goal is complete and you stand victorious.

As all Qunari he is not only much larger than all of you but physically much stronger. Generally, he has a higher endurance than those to the south though that could be more from the harsh training and strict regiments that have made up his life. He wields the greatsword he calls Kadan. It is his most treasure possession though he would never label it as such. Kadan is not a possession it is a part of him. He would not be a true Qunari without it. You try and do anything to Kadan and he will not be held responsible for his actions.

(for those who have missed it he and [info]utheriel are one and the same)
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Friends, allow me to introduce you to the problem of making up NPCs when you have a tendency to get really attached to random characters really quickly. This is Nivak Aldurral, a fellow Legionnaire alongside my original Lythe, and now another permanent addition to the madness. (He'll be the only one, promise. I could doll up the other three, too, according to what's in my head but I swear I won't! XD Two characters is enough for me, srsly.)

Sidenote: I picked his PB by surfing an icon community. AFTER deciding "yeah I like him", I got my hands on the movie I was told they came from (King Arthur) so I could do some screencapping of my own. IMAGINE MY SHOCK when first [info]alderic and then [info]lalin appeared onscreen as well! ...and then the actor's character was eerily similar to the RP personality I planned to attach his face too. So, um, swear to the Maker, guys, total accident/coincidence. XD

So. Nivak. He's the dwarf equivalent of a ranger, so no fuzzy or feathery animals for him. Topside you'll probably only see him consorting with giant spiders, maybe some bats if the opportunity comes along. He's got the archery skillset and his bow is the short variety but it's still practically taller than he is, geez.

Also don't expect him to be much of a conversationalist. His tongue was cut out about 8 years back. That's what you get for having an affair with a Silent Sister and pissing off her relatives, y'see. If you're patient he can have his half of a conversation with you on paper, as he was previously of the Miner Caste and learned his letters, but otherwise you'll have to learn his hand-speak or ask Lythe to translate.

And this Blight thing? Pff. Whatever. Leave the Grey Warden worship to Lythe -- Nivak just shoots where he's pointed. Only reason he's coming along is he doesn't trust you all to watch his Sarge's back and get her home in one piece. (I hope a few of you will prove him wrong, please. It'll be good for him.)
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Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Tall, Dark, and a Perpetually Raised Brow

Greetings all! My name is Holli and I come bearing Cormac Murrough, a former knight of Redcliffe who now makes his living with odd mercenary jobs. In a bar, he'd be the one sitting alone, drinking a glass of apple juice. But I wouldn't tease him about it, it would most likely end poorly for you. He may have a pretty strict code of right and wrong, but he throws a mean right hook and has a chip on his shoulder the size of a brick.

He was born in Gwaren, of dubious legitimacy, to a knight and lady in the service of Teyrn Loghain. He lived there until the death of his mother as a young boy, after which he was sent to train as a squire under his uncle, Ser Perth of Redcliffe. He served the Arl of Redcliffe as a knight for many years loyally, until an evening of drink and bad temper started a bar fight that ended badly for the other knight involved. And by badly I mean decapitation.

After being stripped of his title and rank, Cormac's been wandering Ferelden with his Mabari, Shartan and taking mercenary contracts as he pleases. He's worked hard to control his temper and his volatile nature, and therefore refrains from using his berserker skills unless absolutely necessary. He's cool and collected most of the time, and if he starts to get worked up he'll walk away quickly. One could say he got the crash course in anger management. But he's loyal and stubborn to a fault, and comes dangerously close to being a good guy most of the time, feeling he has much to atone for.

He'll never strike the first blow, never kill a man unless absolutely necessary, and never touch a drop of alcohol again. But he will brood often, and very well.

Check out his profile page for the epic-length biography, or feel free to contact me anytime with questions. I look forward to meeting you all around Thedas!
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Monday, January 4th, 2010

eloquence in a threadbare cloak


Hi all, I'd like to present Falina Bjyr, who is one of the four cutest dwarves of all time.

She fills the dwarf commoner premade, and is anxious to get the hell out of Dust Town.

Her family has recently fallen apart; her uncle took up after Jarvia's Carta fell, and her much older brother joined the syndicate quickly.

With that sweet little face, big eyes, and big lips, she looks completely innocent. However, she's a liar, and a damn good one.

She's also got a common Duster afflication known as "Sticky Fingers".

She likes pulling a good con, and has done so since her first at age 8. The only nug-napping that she knew of; she stole the creature from a Dust Town wrangler, only to return it for a reward.

Her brother just got himself killed during a power struggle that left her uncle dead, and her mother a murderer.

She's just escaped from house arrest and is making her way to the surface.

From the bio:

"She is cunning, manipulative, and not above using any method to trick, wile, or charm.

She's uneducated, having lived in Dust Town and wants nothing more than to learn how to read.
At 15, she's been untried as a woman, and has barely escaped adolescence. Right now, she is confused, angry, and reeling from the sudden loss of her uncle and brother, and of her families betrayal.

She's not sure what the surface may hold, but it must be better than here. "

(I look forward to seeing you in Thedas, I also play Thren, so feel free to contact me)

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Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Heyo. This here is Israa, and she hales from the Waking Sea Bannorn, which means she was pretty much born shooting buls-eye's, and she's by far a better archer than you could ever hope to be. And she'll tell you about it with a subtle quirk of the brow. Because words are for chumps

Her mom was a bit of a lone wolf, even after she got herself knocked up and forced the man to help raise her. He left or whatever around the time of the last Blight, which, is kind of the event that made Israa what she is now. She's self reliant, solitary, and doesn't trust many people further than she can one-shot them. If you can prove that you're not an idiot and wont get her killed, she'll think about tolerating you. After the Blight, she pretty much dedicated herself to training so that she could one day be in the service of the bann, which she is now. She started out as a scout, but people suck, so she was put out as a ranger, and she'd pretty much found hr niche there. Right now, she's headed down to Lothering from the Waking Sea Bannorn to see wtf is going on with this Blight situation. I'm not sure how far she is, but she'll probably be joining up with a group after the Joining's happened.

Obviously, in the way of personality, she often seems like she has an attitude problem. She's not ignoring you to be an ass. She's probably got her mind on other things, and you're really just not important enough to tear her attention away from it. She's quiet, solitary, and calculating. I imagine most people that actually come across her find her a little creepy. She speaks when it's necessary, and uses a few, precise words as possible. She doesn't have time to be flowery and loquacious. She gets to the point, and wont stick around long if you don't do the same.
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So. This is Ser Nerys Ronain, and she is your resident half-Rivaini, half-Ash Warrior knight of Redcliffe. This means not only can she probably kick your ass in a flying rage (YAY TWO-HANDED BESERKER), but her loyal Mabari War Hound, Cafall, can do so, too. Long story short: you don't want to fuck around with her.

Nerys spent her earliest years traveling with her mercenary "family", was shipped off to live at South Reach when her mother left her and her father, and squired in the service of the Brylands at both South Reach and Gwaren, until she was shipped off to Redcliffe at 19...which may or may not have something to do with the fact that she was macking on the Teryna's son at the time. Yeah, that's right, she's [info]coan's first and ex-girlfriend, but they haven't contacted each other in, oh, nearly a decade. She was knighted about 4 years ago, then spent almost two years after that training with the Ash Warriors before returning to Redcliffe, where she is now the castle's kennel master.

Personality-wise? She's tough, smart, straight forward, and doesn't suffer fools lightly. Nerys is essentially a good person and a noble knight, but she can be blunt, abrasive, and sarcastic, and gets along better with animals than most people. If I had to make an analogy of her personality...she's part-Sten, part-Morrigan, and quite a bit like Zoe from Firefly, because I like fueling our chat discussions. :P (BTW, it's [info]bethe. Surprise! I can play a bitch, too.)
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Thursday, December 31st, 2009

Hello, my name is Savio Corleoni, I killed your father...

Prepare to die... Err, I mean, Hello! After hearing about this site from Dee's player, I had to get in on the fun myself. I'm definitely excited to see how this game turns out and look forward to play with you all.

I will be playing the role of our Antivan Crow, Savio Corleoni. Like most Crows, he is a professional killer and on the surface, is not reluctant at all to kill. Yes, his skillful attempt to kill the noble was foiled by cabbage, a fact that will likely haunt him for years to come. Despite this failing, he is an expert on poison and stabbing you when you least expect it, so if you wanted to be worried about being stabbed in your sleep or something slipped in your tea, HIZZAH. If not, um.... Hizzah?

Like most of his kind, Savio may seem charming or conversation, but rarely lets any personal feelings or things like 'morality' keep him from doing a job well done. He does not care for look for a crying mom's child... Unless she promises to give a really awesome knife out of it. Of course, working with others may cause him to see the light... Or wonder if the gallows were really that bad an option.

While spending most of his time out of Fereldan, he has been raised as an orphan from the Chantry, and had a few jobs that took him to Orlais as well as spending some time around Treviso, so he might have run into characters here and there if they've been the traveling sort.

As for knowing what Savio enjoys? Well, you'll just have to find out the old fashioned way.
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Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

An introduction!

Hello all!  I'm Bethany, also known as Beranyth on Swooping, though I mostly just lurk and gush at people who write/draw awesome stuff over there.  I was referred to this site by Constans, and am ridiculously excited to be part of it. 

My character is Ser Ordhan, a Denerim knight who began as a city guard.  Specifically, one of those snot-nosed layabouts Sergeant Kylon complains about being under his command.  But even snot-nosed layabouts can be forced to wake up when there's a Darkspawn horde bearing down on them.  Wastrel-turned-hero at the battle at Denerim, Ordhan earned knighthood and a new purpose in life: wiping out as many Darkspawn as possible before the grave takes him.

Fifteen years of watching Ferelden rebuild and of chasing down every chance to fight Darkspawn has brought Ordhan a long way from the irresponsible boy in the city guard.  Ordhan is polite, serious, and taciturn, but his mild-mannered behavior is often merely a veil for an intensity that is fully shown only in battle.  He bears a shield with his sword when he fights, but is as likely to use it to behead an enemy as he is to defend himself.  There is, somehow, a method to his madness, and despite recklessness on the battlefield, Ordhan has survived a great deal.

Ordhan has done a fair amount of traveling and been in a lot of battles over the years, so there's the chance he may have met other characters in the past.  Just let me know if you're interested in meeting/having met. 

I'm looking forward to the roleplay and meeting you all! 
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Friday, December 25th, 2009

Heyo all you wild and crazy peoples.

This is just my OOC post to say HEY ALL and that I'm happy and excited to be here and meeting you all. I'm Damon, and I give you Aurin Demarc, possibly the worst Templar ever. At least he swings a mean two-hander to make up for it though. He's a blood mage hunter by preference, and will happily play fast and loose with most of the rules to get them. He'll also happily ignore most of those rules if any good excuse shows up, as long as he can obey the number 1 rule of Aurin.

Don't get caught.

Anyway! I'm happy to play with any and all of you and look forwards to doing a few back-scenes now that the holidays are all over! I have people to drink with, and sucker-punches to take apparently.
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