weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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happy anniversary, ~greywardens! [15 Dec 2010|01:59am]
I'm not entirely sure when this game officially opened, but I started writing my app on December 13, 2009, which means that I probably submitted my app within five or so days. I also remember hearing that the game opened before I actually knew of it, so I'm assuming that it opened during the beginning of December and, evidently, that means that the game has hit it's one year mark!

So, in all ~*~GLORIOUSNESS~*~ of being here for a year, I wanted to say Happy Anniversary to you all, it's been a great year despite all the drama that has happened and I'm hoping that the game will remain alive and open for yet another great year!
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Just an Official Notice! [15 Dec 2010|06:58pm]
Hi guys! I'm here making an official notice. Niki (aka Imenry et al... LOL) is taking over the character of Falina. So unless Jess decides to return I'll be playing our resident dwarf rogue Warden. I want to make sure that I stick to the plans for the character, so please do hit me up for plotting and any information you think I should know in regards to character relationships with Falina.
Thanks ahead of time ^_^ <33
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