weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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I wear I'm not usually this eccentric... [24 Aug 2010|09:47pm]
Hello, hello, hello!!! Forgive my hyperactivity. I had a pretty awesome ride on my horse this evening and then came home to find I'd been accepted here and now my hyper high has beeen extended haha. Onto introductions!

This is Æolyn M'Haaren (alt + 146 = Æ and pronounced as just an "a"). She doens't really have a nickname so you're more than welcome to give her one. She was born to traveling merchants, though when she born they hadn't started traveling. Her mother lived in the alienage in Denerim and met her father when he was on a business trip, bringing one of his cutomers the meat he'd paid for. It was love at first sight... the only problem was that her mother was set to marry someone else in six days. And so the young couple ran away and set up shop in Lothering. Her father had a hunting business where he sold meat and pelts to certain customers. Her mother began tailoring light armor and other pieces of clothing from the pelts and hides they collected and selling them as well.

A year after they moved to Lothering, Æolyn was born. They remained in Lothering for three more years before her father decided to take their business on the road. He had many clients in many cities that would only work with him, so instead of leaving home for weeks at a time, he took home with him. When Æolyn was six she began showing signs of magic. Instead of letting the Chantry take her to the tower, her parents took her to her father's old Dalish clan and asked that they train her. They agreed and so Æolyn stayed with them for the next five years. Two years into her training, the Fifth Blight happened, forcing her parents to abandon their traveling lifestyle and seek refuge with the Dalish. after the Grey Wardens helped the clan, her father was moved to volunteer with the Dalish army. he was injured in the battle of Denerim, but survived. Æolyn was with the Dalish for three more years before completing her training and returning to life on the road with her family.

For her 20th birthday, her parents spent a few days in Denerim. During those days, Æolyn fell in love with city life and told her parents she wasn't leaving. She said it was time for her to figure out what she wanted to do with her life, and so she stayed behind. She was able to live with some old friend's of her mothers and set up a fruit and vegetable stand to make money. Her parents visited whenever they could, but recently she hasn't heard from them and its caused her to become concerned. She has since left Denerim and set out to find her family, starting in her hometown of Lothering.

Growing up, Æolyn has always felt rather protective of those around her and its because of this that she's specialized in being an arcane warrior. When she was little, the first spells she learned were fire and cold and from there she added electricity, death and telekinesis. Along with being protective she's a pretty laid back person. She likes just about everyone and if she doesn't like you its because you're doing something she deems terribly wrong. There are a few people she tolerates, but those are even few and far between. While she's kept her magic pretty secret, she's more than willing to do whatever it takes to find her parents.

And I'm sorry that's reallyreally long (least it seems long to me haha) but like I said... I'm super hyper and totally stoked on getting to play :D

edit;; OH and you can call me Manda... or Æolyn whichever is easiest for you all haha.
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