weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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[22 Aug 2010|12:08am]
Hi all you happy people! I be Hughes, and this be Cyril of House Saelac. I am here to join this parade of dreams.

Cyril is (was?) of the warrior caste back in Orzammar, and he came topside to fight off the last Blight. Whereupon he was terribly wounded and it took him about two years to recuperate. The first few months he stayed in Denerim with his cousin (actually his fifth cousin once removed, but who is counting?) because he couldn't be moved. And than after that he stayed because he was already there and going home might make him casteless and even if they didn't he'd have to go back to darkspawn killing. So he stayed.

He's been in Denerim for the past fifteen years, and he's had his shop open for the past fourteen. His shop is one of the few all stone shops in the market, because he's burned it down twice and blown it up once when it was fragile wood construction. He's very eccentric but also good at what he does - mostly making traps for his own amusement and occasionally selling them, although his biggest moneymaker is repairing and refurbishing weapons and armor.

When all is said and done though, he's pretty much ready to get back to Darkspawn killing (being a merchant is only fun for so long...) at least - if he can bring himself to walk outside! He'll be joining group three.

Edit: Pertinent information. He's a dwarf, warrior, Champion. Aged 52, going grey and has enjoyed the surfacer food a bit too much to fit into his old armor. He fights with a greatsword.

Hope to be playing with you all soon!
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Greetings! [22 Aug 2010|12:45am]
Hello everyone! This here is Lillian, better known as Lillie! She is a human mage who has spent the last fifteen years living in Rivain and working there in a brothel. Before that she was employed at the Pearl, but due to an unfortunate display of her powers during the attack on Denerim when the Wardens faced the Archdemon there she had to flee the city.

She has since returned, looking for her friend and another Pearl worker, an elven woman who she has maintained contact with via letters. I suspect that she may have been taken by slavers, as this is currently running rampant in Denerim. Lillie herself was borne of an elven mother, though she is fully human thanks to their overpowering genetics in Thedas.

While in Rivain she trained to better use her spells and learned to become a spirit healer. Thus her speciality is in healing and she is definitely more one with gifts of support magic rather than straight up attacks, so she certainly relies on others in battle.

Personality wise she is extremely down to earth. She is a mature woman and despite her station in life harbors no anger about it. She is generally a happy person and while not innocent she is certainly not jaded, even though she is realistic. She sees no shame in being a brothel worker, but nor is she attached to it as an occupation.

I look forward to bringing her into the RP and interacting with everyone! If you're interested in making a connection or learning more please feel free to check out my journal or leave me a comment! You can also usually find me around as I'm Imenry's player. ^_^ Thanks guys!
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