weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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modly post #21 : monthly activity check/plot update/open for apps [19 Aug 2010|07:03pm]
It's that time again, folks! Since it's been a little over a month since we last conducted one, we just wanted to get another count of who is active or plans to stick around with us for longer.
ACTIVITY CHECK FOR ALL MEMBERS: If you are active and are not marked down as being on official Hiatus according to the directory, please reply to this thread with ONE of your journals, and list the names/journals of your characters if you have multiples. If you should be listed on Hiatus and are not, please let us know this as well. Just to reiterate what this means, a Hiatus indicates that you will be unable to post for a significant period of time, upwards of 2 weeks. Everyone has until SATURDAY, AUGUST 28TH to respond to this entry; after that point, we will be contacting players with removal warnings. If we do not receive a response to these warnings within 72 hours, we will assume that the player is no longer interested in participation and they will be removed, with their characters handled in an appropriate manner by the moderators. Please continue to post as your normally would during this period.

PLOT PROGRESS: On that note, here's the summary of where we're at when it comes to moving the story along, and where everyone can or should be posting to continue their activity.
Under the cut. )

OPENING FOR NEW CHARACTERS: Tying into the activity check and the fact that we are in a good place to add a few new characters before we reach the POINT OF NO RETURN~ in terms of plot, we will be opening up applications again for SIX (6) new characters -- additionally, we would like for at least half of these positions to open to new members rather than alts from current members. In order for these characters to be integrated immediately into plot, they MUST be able to be recruited by the groups within the following three locations: Redcliffe, Lothering, and Denerim. If you have any friends who were interested in joining earlier, but missed their chance, let them know we're open again!

IN SUM: We're open for applications, plots are moving along, and we're doing another monthly activity check. Please comment to this post with your activity status, and if you have any questions about what's going on, use our drop box or PM us and we'll try to reply ASAP. Thanks all!
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