weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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[24 Jun 2010|09:48pm]
Hello, everyone. Remember me? Well, after an extended hiatus, a false return, and another hiatus, I am now going to try and make my triumphant return into the fold of the game. My life has been completely INSANE for the past couple of months, details of which I'm not really willing to go into at this time.

So! Help me catch up, eh? Where do we stand with threads/plot/stuffs. Any plotting while I was gone that I might need/want to know about? Lay it on me.
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