weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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[04 Mar 2010|12:29am]
Sooo. This is Galen Elerron, he's a city elf gone wild who ran away to the Dalish, and actually succeeded in his pursuit of the legendary forest clans. He was born in the Highever alienage, buuuut after some tragedy and mishaps and setbacks, spent roughly a year in Denerim before he moved on to the Brecilian Forest, where he's been living since the middle of 9:44. His older sister, however, still lives in Denerim and fell to the vices of thievery and gang life, etc. His tl;dr bio is located here for your perusal -- he'll be joining up with Group 3 once they hit the Brecilian and find the clan who took him in, buuuut there is plenty of room in his history for backscenes with various people who may have been in the region until then.

Personality-wise, Galen's overall not a mean or bad person; in fact, he's actually quite nice and polite (even to shemlen's faces, though he does blame them as a race for just about everything that's gone wrong in his life), but circumstances have led to him being less noble or sensitive and more resourceful and self-centered, if not manipulative and kind of a douche. I look forward to plotting with youse guyse and getting to play his bitter little elven self...after I am done with these many tags for Bethen. D:
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