weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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[01 Mar 2010|01:31am]
This is Tobias Lecter Statler. otherwise affectionately known as Grandpa Templar

He likes being a Templar, in fact, he freaking loves it. It's been his entire life for fifty years. In fact, don't really talk too bad about it, or he'll be forced to give you an Anthony Hopkin's narrated lecture. And his heterosexual lifemate Jeremy Irons Roderic Ennis will be annoyed, cause he had to sit through the same lecture again. For the 50th time.

When Tobias was 19, Maric broke the Orlesian occupation, and later that year, under growing political tension, he saved a young Orlesian Apostate Helen Mirren Lorna Bedeau. He convinced her to submit to Kinloch Hold, and be trained as an official mage.

He's been a busy guy, living a full 62 years. Chances are, if you've been annoyed/nearly killed/lectured/put in a horrible situation by Dee, or lectured/glared at by Alderic. It's Tobias' fault...

He has plenty of Blight Stories to share, including the Battle of Ostagar (where he nearly died), his life long obsession with the Urn of Sacred Ashes (which lead to being kidnapped by Reavers, Imenry, I'm sorry), and the final battle in Denerim. What he won't tell you is that during Denerim's rebuild, he realized he was quite in love with Lorna, and he subsequently broke off his friendship with her. (The two make up a year later, sans bow chicka)

More recently, he's been investigating the rumored Apostate Mage's Circle. Despite his advancing age, he goes, taking a small team (including Lorna). One night, Lorna and Tobias are attacked by an abomination; and during the battle, Lorna disappears. He followed her tracks for several hundred yards before they vanished. He suspects that the Rogue Circle has something to do with her disappearance, and is looking for them with a renewed vigor.

At game start, he is waiting for his lifemate partner Roderick, and is frantically searching for information about Lorna's whereabouts. This likely puts him in with Group 1, and with poor Signy (who gets a Grey Warden 'Get-out-of-execution-free' card), and Aurin, who Tobias hates (srsly Aurin, why can't you be a nice boy, like Alderic?)

For you Circle Tower Mage kids: Tobias is that stern, reserved Templar, who politely talks to you. He'd offer sage, kind old man advice, but would slice you open during your Harrowing, before you could say 'OMG'. Also, For you Circle Tower Templar Kids, don't slack off on your Templar Training, i.e hiding during lessons, napping during prayer/pious contemplation (yes, Warden Commander, I'm looking at you)
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[01 Mar 2010|04:35pm]
Hey guys, (wow, three times to spell 'guys' right, really?) sooooo. Tonight is the first night my rehearsals start, and the schedule as far as I know it goes Monday through Friday, seven to eleven every night. The directors keep warning us that it's going to be a super physical play, so if my presence from now until mid-April starts to slow down or lessen, that'll be why. In all likelihood, I'll probably just wind up getting online at midnight and staying up later and napping in the afternoons or basically decimating what little sleep schedule I managed to cling to so far, but I wanted to warn you all just in case. XD

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