weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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modly post #10 : summerday is here [29 Jan 2010|12:15am]
As promised, the thread starters for Alistair's group and the Circle/Chantry group have been posted. The previous two scenes, the Frostbacks and Crossroads, remain open for posting in, with the assumption of the following endings: that Alistair officially recruited three dwarves and was unsuccessful in meeting with the Assembly in Orzammar, and that [info]dee_aisli joined up with those from Kinloch Hold.

GROUP ONE: The set up is such: the caravan has just come to a halt on a small road in the Brecilian Forest. Just ahead, [info]arandil and [info]tahal are presumably in trouble with a few Templars who have been tracking them. There is currently no set posting order -- feel free to bring your character in whenever you are ready. We've tried to fill in the gap of the last week of travel between Orzammar and the Brecilian Forest as best as possible. As a refresher, the dark blue line on this map roughly illustrates the route they are taking to get to Amaranthine. Any scenes taking place during this time (the last week of Eluviesta) are now considered backscenes.

GROUP TWO: Welcome to Amaranthine! From this point on, you will be able to post scenes within Vigil's Keep, which will take place during the first week of Molioris. Enjoy exploring the castle and having a proper place to sleep, bathe, and eat. A similar rule applies to this group as the above -- any scenes that took place in the Bannorn after the Crossroads meeting and before arriving at the Keep are considered backscenes.

For the purposes of coordinating action and posting order, as with the OOC thread for the Frostbacks post, we encourage replying to this entry to sort out these details with one another, since this could get a little hectic given that we have these huge groups together. As usual, if you have any questions, just ask us here!
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