weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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Guten Tag~ [26 Jan 2010|11:29pm]
Jess/Az here, introducing Hilda Aelricsdottr, a bard of a different colour! She's a skald from the Anderfels, on her journeyman-quest to determine the fate of her brother, Albrecht, who had a vision of Andraste and dedicated himself to the Chantry. Well, the Chantry sent her a letter saying he is dead, but not how, where or why - and Hilda's search has brought her first to Amaranthine, almost on accident.

Hilda is 6'3", a great lover of story, song and learning, with a highly trained memory, a friendly smile, and an accent thick enough to suffocate in. She's patient and keen, but don't assume a thick accent means a thick head - she's seen her share of darkspawn too, and that bow is not for show.

Anyone in Amaranthine, feel free to hit me for scenage! I am insatiable. Hilda was also in Orlais for a while about 6 years pre-game, so anyone in the area during that time, I would be happy to backscene with you!
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Because I'm Really Slow... [26 Jan 2010|11:55pm]
I haven't introduced this character yet.  Anyway, this is Hissra, and he is the Qunari mage. He is a typical Qunari, believes in the Qun, and is big and tall and stoic. He believes he is dangerous because of his magic abilities and is used to being either constantly guarded or under lock and key. He is unsettled by this new freedom, but believes in completing the mission he came to Ferelden to do.

Not much is known about him, and his past is a rather short and boring story, without any knowledge of his family (typical of Qunari really) or much relationship with others outside of fighting alongside his brothers in battle. He finds honor in helping to spread the word of the Qun. In Ferelden he will defer to the leadership of the Karashok in all situations because he is not used to being in charge, and because the other man is a Qunari warrior. He will shortly be joining Shok to keep vigil at Amaranthine (I swear I'll get on that faster than the intro).

There is not much else to say. But he is bound to be a curiosity in this land. And he will answer any questions. You can take a look at his rather short bio if you're so interested. Otherwise, I look forward to having him interact with you guys in the course of the game! And yes, I also play Imenry so I'm really not hard to track down if you want to talk scenes or anything :)
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