weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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modly post #9 [22 Jan 2010|09:33pm]
PLOT UPDATE: In order to move forward, we're setting a date for the next round of plot-related group threads. If the current Crossroads/Frostbacks threads are not done by either Wednesday, 1/27, or Friday, 1/29, we would like to post two major starters: one for Alistair's group (this includes Noble/Bard/Crow, as well as the dwarves and their companions) to reach the edges of the Brecilian Forest and recruit [info]arandil & [info]tahal; and one will be for the Team Circle/Chantry arrival at Vigil's Keep. If anyone would like to volunteer to start these threads, please let us know, otherwise the mods will post. The only thing to know ahead of time is that the date will be Summerday.

If the current threads are not completed by then, they will NOT be closed -- you are still allowed to reply and wrap them up. However, these threads and anything that takes place between then and Summerday will be considered backscenes, as it will no longer be the IC "present date". If anything about this doesn't make sense, just ask, and we'll try to clarify.

As we draw closer to events at Amaranthine and eventually splitting up, we will let you know more about our plans for groups. If you are playing a COMPANION and have not yet replied to this post to let us know/confirm where you think your character will be, please do so.

A Note on Courtesy: While we appreciate enthusiasm, it has come to our attention that certain behaviors have come across as less than respectful and it is making people, including us, uncomfortable. A reminder about replying can be helpful if someone hasn't responded in over a week and may have forgotten, but asking on a daily or more frequent basis can get annoying, frustrating, and be a turn off in the creative process. Waiting can be difficult, but patience will often be rewarded in a higher quality response and a happier partner. That being said, if you are feeling overwhelmed, don't feel bad about saying "no" to someone's request for interaction -- it's not beneficial to take on more than you can handle. Prioritize what you need to write, and let others know where you're at. If it is an important group thread that ties into the main plot, we can try to work around your character so that nothing gets held up. As always, if you're having a problem, just drop us a note in the mod journal and one of us will get back to you ASAP.

Thanks all and have a good evening.
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