weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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From the latest issue of Playelf... [11 Jan 2010|06:29am]
Comes Darrian Anner, an elven rogue from the Denerim Alienage! Have you ever visited the Pearl and asked for a male friend to spend some time with? Well then, you might have met him already!

Luckily he's not just a pretty face (and talented in bed) but also quite handy with a pair of daggers, mixing up the odd poison to make you spew green stuff and pilfering any loose change you might have in your pocket. He was just a kid when darkspawn attacked Denerim, but he remembers that time quite vividly, so he gets +25 approval to any Grey Wardens automatically :)

Darrian's actually quite happy working as a whore and had no plans to leave either Denerim or the Pearl, but unfortunately Real Life intervened in the form of slavers, who bundled him up and stuffed him into a ship's hold, where he's currently fuming and doing his best to cause trouble and escape.

When he's NOT bound hand and wrist (except recreationally) Darrian is a good natured elf, and generally gets along with everyone. He likes kids, and while his instinct in sticky situations is to flee, his sense of justice and protectiveness makes him stand up for the underdog every time.

Anyone who's ever been to Denerim and wants to have met him prior to the game - just drop me a post and we'll plot, cos plots are GOOD <3 I also play [info]ashya so most of you already know me :)
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not another epic project... [11 Jan 2010|11:14pm]
My character Thren thinks too much, and therefore I write too much...

I started another epic RP related project, and wanted to share at least the idea with you...

A tl;dr :: a guide

It chronologically archives Thren's backscenes, narratives, and party banter. It has links to the posts and a summary of the most important events.

Did I mention that I'm ridiculous about archival?

From the post:

"It just so happens that as a writer, I'm verbose. Needlessly so, and I frequently collaborate with equally wordy authors.

I wanted to provide both links for my own personal resource, but also summaries for those of you tl;dr types.

It's hard enough to keep up with activity, without having to go back and find a vague comment in backscene #6, that completely explains why Cormac just punched Thren in the face in narrative # 4.

Also, down the road, it may help as a quick reference, for future collaboration."

I will be doing this for Falina as well, and wanted to share the idea.


Night everyone!
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