weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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[02 Jan 2010|12:13am]
So. This is Ser Nerys Ronain, and she is your resident half-Rivaini, half-Ash Warrior knight of Redcliffe. This means not only can she probably kick your ass in a flying rage (YAY TWO-HANDED BESERKER), but her loyal Mabari War Hound, Cafall, can do so, too. Long story short: you don't want to fuck around with her.

Nerys spent her earliest years traveling with her mercenary "family", was shipped off to live at South Reach when her mother left her and her father, and squired in the service of the Brylands at both South Reach and Gwaren, until she was shipped off to Redcliffe at 19...which may or may not have something to do with the fact that she was macking on the Teryna's son at the time. Yeah, that's right, she's [info]coan's first and ex-girlfriend, but they haven't contacted each other in, oh, nearly a decade. She was knighted about 4 years ago, then spent almost two years after that training with the Ash Warriors before returning to Redcliffe, where she is now the castle's kennel master.

Personality-wise? She's tough, smart, straight forward, and doesn't suffer fools lightly. Nerys is essentially a good person and a noble knight, but she can be blunt, abrasive, and sarcastic, and gets along better with animals than most people. If I had to make an analogy of her personality...she's part-Sten, part-Morrigan, and quite a bit like Zoe from Firefly, because I like fueling our chat discussions. :P (BTW, it's [info]bethe. Surprise! I can play a bitch, too.)
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[02 Jan 2010|06:52am]
Heyo. This here is Israa, and she hales from the Waking Sea Bannorn, which means she was pretty much born shooting buls-eye's, and she's by far a better archer than you could ever hope to be. And she'll tell you about it with a subtle quirk of the brow. Because words are for chumps

Her mom was a bit of a lone wolf, even after she got herself knocked up and forced the man to help raise her. He left or whatever around the time of the last Blight, which, is kind of the event that made Israa what she is now. She's self reliant, solitary, and doesn't trust many people further than she can one-shot them. If you can prove that you're not an idiot and wont get her killed, she'll think about tolerating you. After the Blight, she pretty much dedicated herself to training so that she could one day be in the service of the bann, which she is now. She started out as a scout, but people suck, so she was put out as a ranger, and she'd pretty much found hr niche there. Right now, she's headed down to Lothering from the Waking Sea Bannorn to see wtf is going on with this Blight situation. I'm not sure how far she is, but she'll probably be joining up with a group after the Joining's happened.

Obviously, in the way of personality, she often seems like she has an attitude problem. She's not ignoring you to be an ass. She's probably got her mind on other things, and you're really just not important enough to tear her attention away from it. She's quiet, solitary, and calculating. I imagine most people that actually come across her find her a little creepy. She speaks when it's necessary, and uses a few, precise words as possible. She doesn't have time to be flowery and loquacious. She gets to the point, and wont stick around long if you don't do the same.
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