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[01 May 2012|02:25pm]

Who: Donaghan and Glinda
Where: Glinda's office at the WWN
When: Tuesday, May 1, lunchtime
What: A Talk about Myron and such. Hoo boy.
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

I love love, I love being in love, I don't care what it does to me )
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[01 May 2012|01:27pm]

Who: Electra and Glinda
What: A late brunch
Where: Bistrotheque
When: Sunday, April 29th
Rating: PG, more's the pity, although there is some light food flirtation
Status: Complete

Years of office work had turned Glinda into more of a reluctant morning person than she had ever anticipated, but luckily Electra's owl had arrived early enough that Glinda could have a light breakfast, go for a run in the foggy morning air, and have time for a shower before making her way to the restaurant they'd chosen for brunch. It was warm enough to make an argument for an outdoor table, so they'd gotten settled right outside the front doors, taken a look at the menu, and ordered enough of various dishes to feed a small army. Or two working witches with healthy appetites.

Glinda waited until they had mimosas in hand and fresh bread on the table before she smiled knowingly at Electra. "Late night?"
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[Owl to Glinda Prescott, early Sunday morning] [01 May 2012|11:34am]

Glinda, love,

I know it's a bit last minute, but do you mind if we shift brunch to lunch and meet at one instead? If that doesn't suit, then of course I'll see you at eleven. Regardless of the timing, I look forward to you and mimosas.


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[01 May 2012|09:23pm]

Who: Myron and Glinda
What: Warning her about Alair and finding out her decision.
Where: Glinda's flat.
When: After work on Monday evening.
Rating: Myron.
Status: In progress.

How do you expect me to play by the rules when you answer the door looking like this? )
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Owl to Glinda [30 Apr 2012|06:56am]


Our publicist is going to be in contact with you, if he hasn't already, regarding this tri-musician tournament thing (which sounds brilliant, by the way). I feel like I should give you a warning about him before you meet with him but it would probably be best given in person. Can I come over after you finish work? Or you can come here if you want. You're welcome any time you like, if I haven't already told you that.

Love always,
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[30 Apr 2012|01:25am]

Who: Electra and Dongahan
What: Post-dinner sex, then an ambush
Where: Electra's flat
When: Saturday, April 28th, late evening
Rating: Starting post-coital, going from there.
Status: Completed!

you're just another guy. okay, you're kind of sexy. but you're not really special. )
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[Owl to Gerald] [29 Apr 2012|12:38am]

To Mr Gerald Chittock,

The WWN would like to invite The Weird Sisters to join us for a three-part 'Tri-musician Tournament' to promote the upcoming WUMA show, and to parallel the current events ongoing at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. There would be three bands involved, and their tasks would be, in brief, a scavenger hunt in London, a musical improvisation, and an on-air quiz about the band members. The WWN will of course work with you, the band's security, and their publicist to ensure that the safety and public image of the band are made highest priority at all times. The other bands involved in the contest will be made known to you as soon as possible upon final confirmation, along with the specific details of and schedule for each task, should the Weird Sisters agree to participate. I can answer any questions you may have, and any additional stipulations you or the Weird Sisters may have can be negotiated through my office.

Best wishes,
Glinda Prescott
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[28 Apr 2012|10:42pm]

Who: Myron and Glinda
What: Talking
Where: The Scafell Pike Magical Day Spa
When: Saturday, April 28th, late afternoon
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

One of the witches from artistic administration had been very vocal in singing the praises of the Scafell Pike spa, and while it wasn't something Glinda had been tempted to do alone or with co-workers, inviting Myron along had seemed perfect. Myron was secure enough in his masculinity to appreciate a bit of pampering, something Glinda had always found sexy about him, and it had been nice to just spend a day relaxing in his company while they got manicures and lounged in aromatherapy meditation rooms. They'd ended in the spa's true claim to fame, the series of warm underground pools intended for soaking after a long day of being waxed and plucked and buffed.

They were alone in this particular pool, all the way at the end of the winding cavern, which the staff had apparently reserved for them. It was amazing, Glinda had reflected, what being instantly recognizable from a dozen popular publications would get you. They'd been quiet for a while, listening to the soft echoing drip of water from the rocks around them, and watching the lights play on the gleaming rock walls and dance on the water. Glinda was as relaxed as she thought it might be possible to be.

More importantly, Myron was relaxed, or at least gave all appearances of being so, which Glinda had done her best to ensure by heavily tipping the broad, muscular man she'd requested as his masseuse. If looks didn't deceive, Myron had been thoroughly pummeled into pliancy, which was the headspace she needed him to be in when she made this request.

"Tell me about Kirley."
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[26 Apr 2012|10:20pm]

Who: Donaghan and Glinda
When: Evening of April 25, 1995
Where: Glinda's flat
What: Advice! Thank Jesus.
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and maybe some talk of sexytiems? None on screen though, obviously.
Status: In Progress!

Found you with a bottle of wine, your head in the curtains and heart like the Fourth of July )
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[26 Apr 2012|02:46pm]

Who: Fox, Danny, and Merton
What: A birthday surprise turned even more surprising
Where: Chez Pretty
When: Thursday, April 26, early evening
Rating: PG-13, hopefully. Danny and Fox, I am looking at you.
Status: Complete

Danny had brought his new and much-discussed boyfriend home with him after their date, which caused Merton flee the couch, where he'd been curled up drinking tea and reading Márquez, for the haven of his room. He was happy for Danny, but preferred to be happy for him at a distance from his foul-mouthed, graphically inappropriate, piss-taking boyfriend. Besides which, he didn't at all want to know what they were getting up to on that couch.

He'd still been able to hear it, however, so after a few horrifying minutes, the music had gone on and he'd settled in with Kneazle Kneazle overpowering the wet noises and murmuring from the common room. He'd gotten lost in reading after that, until the moment he reached for his teacup, saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and froze.

There was a dragon on his wall. One of the ones from Giddy's room, hovering beside Merton's window, wings beating slowly just enough to stay aloft. Merton didn't know how it had gotten out, but it didn't belong in here, and it was drinking his tea.

He recoiled so fast he nearly fell off the bed, and the dragon snorted, raising its head to look at the wizard disturbing its refreshment. Merton moved much more slowly on his second attempt, backing away off the bed until he'd reached his door, eyes never leaving the dragon which had returned, unmolested, to enjoying Merton's afternoon tea. He reached behind him for the handle, turning the knob slowly...and then felt something brush his cheek.

There was another dragon, long and whip-thin, draped over his lintel, tail lashing idly as it studied him. Upon receiving Merton's attention, it regarded him thoughtfully, and then let out a single contemplative puff of smoke.

Merton slammed the door open so hard it banged against the wall in the hallway, and sped out to...stare in horror at the walls and ceiling of the common room. Merlin Ambrosius. They were everywhere.
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[25 Apr 2012|09:23pm]

Owl to Glinda, afternoon of April 25th )
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[25 Apr 2012|07:43pm]

Owled to Glinda, with the following note attached: )
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[23 Apr 2012|05:41pm]

Backdated to immediately after this thread.

Owled to Mrs. Tremlett )
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[Memo] [23 Apr 2012|12:38pm]

To: The office of Carina Errol, Producer, WWN

From: The office of Glinda Prescott, Contemporary Popular Music Programming Coordinator, WWN

Subject: The worst idea ever to come out of one of those awful meetings

Date: Monday, April 23rd, 2005

I cannot believe the utter gall of that man. First he wants to use your program for some kind of hokey radio contest, and then he wants me to use my 'personal connection' to get bands to participate, by which I assume he means the Weird Sisters. Which I would like to think is because I was around when they were first getting off the ground, but from the way he was leering at me when he said it, is more likely because half of wizarding England has seen pictures of my tongue down Myron's throat. As if a hugely popular rock band would have any interest in playing twenty questions, or competing in a wet robes contest against Spellbound. Well, they probably would, actually, but that's not the point. It's absurd. Trying to compete against the Triwizard Tournament for press attention is never going to work, they have Harry Potter, and anyway everyone loves kids. No, I am not suggesting we do this with a children's choir or something, that would only make it more ridiculous than it already is. Although I have half a mind to call in that terrible bratty teenage garage band who thinks that making a lot of noise makes them the next Weezer, and send them straight to that man's office.

I'm sending my new intern for a latte. You have to keep them busy or they don't know what to do with themselves, and this one is so adorably eager to please. Besides, I need the soothing calm of espresso. Can I add something to the order for you?

This message has been sent to you via the Wizarding Wireless Memorandum Network. WWN: Where work comes along with a song!
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[22 Apr 2012|10:19am]

Owl to Kingsley )
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[21 Apr 2012|09:22pm]

Who: Cade and Gideon (with a cameo from Danny because I just couldn't resist horrifying him).
What: Gideon's birthday!
Where: Cade's flat in Cardiff.
When: Thursday, April 19, 1995.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

As he dressed, he looked in the mirror and had a feeling that Danny would be horrified. )
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Owl to Giddy sent on the 20th. [20 Apr 2012|10:26pm]

Dearest darling Giddy,

Happy birthday, love! I wish I could have seen you yesterday but there were issues. Quidditch issues. Nothing to worry about. I hope you had a wonderful day, even without me there to make your day brighter and give you a birthday hug. I promise the next hug you get will be extra special to make up for it!

So tell me, how are things going with you and the boy? I saw pictures of you two at that award gala. Congrats on the 7 award nominations by the way! Well done! And good luck for the actual awards ceremony. I have everything crossed for you!

Better go or I'll be late for practice. Happy birthday again. Give my best to everyone.

Meaghan xx

[Enclosed are two tickets to the Pride of Portree vs Montrose Magpies game on April 28th.]
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Owl to Giddy sent on the 19th. [20 Apr 2012|04:54pm]

Dear Giddy,


I hope you've had a brilliant day. I thought for a while about what I should get you and then decided that it would be more fun for you to go shopping and choose some new musical things yourself. Have fun!

Love always,

[Enclosed is a gift certificate for £200 to a music store within walking distance of Gideon's flat.]
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[19 Apr 2012|11:13pm]

Owled to the Founding Flat around 2AM )
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[Owl to Glinda] [19 Apr 2012|06:19pm]


Can I interest you in an evening of wine, photography, and hexwork? I need a Ravenclaw's perspective on some camera-disabling techniques I've been working on. Besides - it might be fun to vamp it up and destroy some film in style, yes?


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