Weasley Twins 100

October 12th, 2007

Weasley Twins 100


October 12th, 2007

This Week's Prompt

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:


Anything from playing the game, to watching it, to Quidditch toned thighs. ;)

- Harleen

Also, remember: any non-prompt drabbles are also fine, so long as it involves the twins.

Things Lost

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Title: Things Lost
Author: [info]adrianne
Pairings: Fred/George
Word Count: 129 (I tried! I really, really tried!)
Rating: R
Warnings: Twincest, angst, D:, stuck to canon!! (yes. That should be a warning, dammit)
Disclaimer: Though they don't belong to her anymore, the wicked witch of the UK invented these gorgeous boys. I just borrow them from their owners to poke and prod.
Summary: George misses it.
Author's Notes: Unbeta-d, didn't follow the prompt. written for [info]tillytastic

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