Weasley Twins 100

October 6th, 2007

Weasley Twins 100


October 6th, 2007


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Title: Gone
Author: Bellatonks
Character(s): George
Rating: G
Word Count: 127 (it's harder than it seems! I tried)
Warning(s): Post DH - spoilers
Disclaimer: Not mine; all JKR's.
Author's Note: Written for the drabble prompt: Rain

Gone )

FIC: When It's raining

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Title: When it's raining
Author: [info]alternateyou
Word Count: 102
Rating: PG13?
Warnings: Twincest (implied), previous character death, set after DH (spoilers), angst
Disclaimer: The characters and the world they live in, doesn't belong to me and I'm making no money from this at all.
Author's Notes: Written for the weekly prompt of "rain". This is actually the first non-giftfic work I've let people read, so don't be too mean, but feedback is welcome.

When it's raining )
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