The Potting Shed - January 25th, 2013

About January 25th, 2013

A New Term and a New Start 03:45 pm
This journal hasn't been updated in a while. Sorry about that - it's been a case of so much to do, so little time...

But, let's see if we can make a whole new start for 2013.

The snow has put an abrupt ending to any winter jobs we might have been doing, but hopefully warmer weather will move in this weekend, and it will be possible to get back to work rather than just staring moodily out of the window, thinking of all those things-to-do that are piling up.

In the meantime, here's what we have been talking about.

In week 1, we looked at the weird and wonderful beauty of Cacti and Succulents.

Here are the images:

Cacti and Succulents images

And here is the handout:

Cacti and Succulents handout )

Our sites of the week are here:

Sites of the week )

Does anyone have anything to share about these topics? If so, just comment below.

Current Mood: cold

Week 2 - Garden Design 06:00 pm
Week 2 has been a bit hit and miss. Everything was fine on Tuesday, but on Friday, my car sulked and refused to start, so we cancelled the session. Sorry, folks.

So, here's what we talked about on Tuesday, and will be talking about on Friday.

Our Plants of the Week this term will be long-flowering plants, plants that give us a lot of petal power over a long period.

Judy introduced us to Veltheimia, a bulb growing as a house or conservatory plant in this country, with lovely waved and crimped leaves, and a red hot poker-type flower. Veltheimia is from South Africa, and flowers at this time of the year, Christmas/January. Mine have been kept cooler and are just now starting to open. They'll be in flower for a month or more.

Here are the images:


Here are our Sites of the Week:

Sites of the Week )

Our main topic was Garden Design, and we had a chat about issues facing members. Here's the handout:

Garden Styles )

Got any comment? Leave them below.

Next week, we'll be looking at the Garden in February

Current Mood: cold
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