The Potting Shed - January 28th, 2010

About January 28th, 2010

Week 2 - Plant of the Week 10:14 pm
Here we are in the second week of term. Our houseplant of the week this week is the hyacinth.

Here's the handout:

Hyacinths )

And they're in the supermarkets now, if you want to get them ready-forced.

Current Mood: awake

Week 2 - Small trees and shrubs for small gardens 10:21 pm
This week, we're looking at small trees and shrubs for small gardens. You all produced some interesting lists of good choices - if you want to remind us of those here, posting them in the comments, please feel free.

Here's the handout on small trees, or large shrubs that can be grown as small trees:

Trees for Small Gardens )

And here's a list of some shrubs that would be suitable. I've marked the ones that also have good autumn colour.

Small shrubs )

So, what were your choices?

Current Mood: curious
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Week 3 : Christmas Lunch 10:28 pm
It might be after the fact, but we all had a lovely Christmas lunch this week.

Thanks very much to Joan, for organizing that!

Hope you all enjoyed it.

Current Mood: full
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