The Potting Shed - January 11th, 2010

About January 11th, 2010

Happy New Year 03:18 pm
Hi everyone

Happy New Year! And how are you all?

I've been ill over most of the holiday, with the dreaded flu, hence the lack of anything up here. Sorry about that... And, inevitably, I'm just getting well again when it's time to get back to work. Sigh...

I know I promised you all something for Christmas. It's a tad late, but here are a few bits and bobs:

For anyone still feeling the loss of the tenth Doctor on Dr Who (make sure you have the sound cranked up):

For anyone who like carols that give you goose pimples (keep the sound cranked up):

More carols - this time an old favourite made into a madrigal - not at all bad for a US Hugh School:

And finally, for cat lovers:


Right, back to business:

All being well, and blizzards permitting, the new term starts this week - 12 January for those in the Tuesday group and 15 January for those in the Friday group. Friday afternooners - Helen and John have offered us use of their kitchen instead of the Portakabin - I'll talk to them about what is safest to get to, and if we move from the Portakabin, one of us will get back to you.

Our first topic is going to be looking at the garden in January and February, not because there's much we can do yet, but I think we might need an opportunity to angst to each other...

See you all soon - and safe, I hope!

Current Mood: cold
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