The Potting Shed - November 30th, 2009

About November 30th, 2009

Week 7 - Herbs 07:00 pm
This week's main topic is herbs, how to grow them, and some ideas on how to use them.

Here's the handout:

Growing and Using Herbs )

We also looked at some more wildflowers, and here they are:

Wild flowers

Don't forget that all the wildflowers are in the same album.

Current Mood: content

Week 8 - Garden Wildlife 07:49 pm
Our main topic for this week is Garden Wildlife, concentrating on invertebrates - the Good, the Bad, and the Bugly.

Here are the images:

Garden Wildlife

And here's the handout:

Garden Wildlife )

Don't forget to check out that wonderful site ARKIVE, which is such a fabulous source of wildlife images. The address is at the bottom of the handout.

Current Mood: thirsty

Week 9 - The Exotic Garden 07:57 pm
Our main topic for this week is the Exotic Garden.

There is no handout for this, but here are the images:

Exotic plants

So, are you going to have an exotic patch next year?

Current Mood: thoughtful

Week 10 - The Garden in December 08:00 pm
Our main topic for this week is the Garden in December.

Here are the handouts:

The Garden in December )

Seasonal Plants for December )

Current Mood: recumbent

Wild flowers 08:05 pm
Here's a catch-up for the rest of the wildflowers we've seen this term:

Wild flowers

Here are my rough notes about these flowers:

Purple wildflowers )

Red or pink )

White )

More white wildflowers )

Current Mood: pleased

Something for Christmas 08:13 pm
Got over the scary Halloween clip yet?

Here's a definitely not-scary clip to give you a smile over the holidays (although I admit it's nothing to do with Christmas...)


Current Mood: surprised
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