The Potting Shed - June 2009

About June 2009
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07:39 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 5 - Plant of the Week - Little Blue Bulbs
07:47 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 5 - Scented Plants
07:53 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 6 - Plant of the Week - Anemone nemorosa
08:19 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 6 - Sun and Shade
08:24 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 7 - Plant of the Week - Ornithogalum
08:48 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 7 - Seed Sowing
09:03 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 8 - Plant of the Week - Leucojum
09:08 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 8 - The Garden in June
11:01 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 9 - Plant of the Week - Allium
11:07 pm: [info]librarian2003 Week 9 - Companion Planting
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