We Love Dick! - October 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 9th, 2008

Ordinary Heroes: Bloodlines Xander/Dick R 9/? [Oct. 9th, 2008|03:08 pm]


Title: Bloodlines
Chapter Nine
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: Buffy tVS/DC Universe
Pairing: Xander Harris/Dick Grayson Pre-slash, Bat/Flash established relationship.
Rating: R
Disclaimer:Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks:Violence, death, people laughing themselves to death, and the use of the term tube socks.
Summary: Xander has a day off and goes to a mall in the nice area of Gotham City. Stuff happens.
Find all of Ordinary Heroes here.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue. Thank you sweets!

Notes: Wow. I actually got something written for this verse! I may have a cow! It only took eight months! ~headdesk~

Previously, on Bloodlines:

Finally Xander got tired of lying in bed, his brain running around like a hamster on a wheel. He grabbed his crutches and left the sanctuary of his bedroom and hobbled down to the library. A guy like Bruce Wayne had to have a complete collection of classics. That meant there was probably H. G. Wells, Conan Doyle, King, Koontz and quiet possibly Chandler and Parker. There had to be something good he could read.

Not many people knew Xander liked to read. The problem is he got bored with school books, the boring books Giles used to research, and would rather spork his eyes out than read the romances Buffy and Willow were fond of. Despite living on a Hellmouth he still enjoyed a good old fashioned horror book that let his brain relax because everyone but the intrepid couple and their dog was going to die, possibly the younger brother/sister/child would survive, but that was it. He didn't have to worry about saving anyone or if it was real, and could sit back and enjoy it when the sanctimonious bastard character was shot/mauled/eaten by an assassin/dinosaur/demon/scientific experiment gone wrong.

By the time he'd hopped down the stairs to the library he was out of breath and his armpits hurt like hell. On the bright side, maybe his arms would get stronger after dragging his bum leg around. When he entered the large room though, he stopped. There, sitting behind the desk was ...

"Hello. I don't believe we've formally met. I'm Bruce Wayne."


And now, on with the show!

Bloodlines Chapter Nine )
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