June 26th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Alec Tremont and Jimmy Banks
When: Saturday, June 26, 2096
Where: Jimmy's room, Anhalt Building
What: Alec goes looking for help and has something of a meltdown
Status: Log, Complete

You only do it to shut me up. )



My life is like a video game, one life on the mic

Who: Matt Cavanaugh and Ganesh Surendar
When: Friday, June 22, 2096
Where: The Nameless V-Club
What: In which, Matt and Ganesh make dick jokes, Ganesh gets splattered with blood, Matt almost loses it, and they run like scared little girls. Also, there's a lot of background violence.
Rating/Warnings: R, thank you. Momentary but descriptive graphic violence and several instances of it. Also, there's a chainsaw murderer.
Status: Log, Complete

The place that the two men entered was a small, dark room. Ganesh didn't recognize it- he had been in cyberspace before but on legitimate means. The Clubs were something new to him, the stuff of myth and monster. The fact that he was standing at the edge of the labyrinth, in a skin not his own, made the back of his neck tingle, his mouth sour as he looked down at his hands.

His fingers were now long and delicate, so pale that he could see blue veins spiderwebbed just under the surface. A couple of freckles spattered his wrists and he looked at them, feeling strangely alien despite the fact that he had taken this form to fit in.

He looked up at Matt, that confusion still clear in the brown eyes that were the only thing left of him in this avatar. A hand reached up, brushing a pale strand of hair away from his face as he straightened a newly muscular body and said, finding a grin, "I should've been nicer to Alec," as he looked pointedly down at his trousers.

"Wow," Matt said with a grin. "Ten fucking seconds and we're already onto dick jokes? Not sure that's going to go over well here."

The difference here is that I know which wolves to toss you to. )