June 13th, 2010



We passed upon the stair, we spoke of was and when...

Who: Alistair Icenhour and Bart Allen
When: Sunday afternoon June 13
Where: Bart and Katherine's home
What: Alistair and Bart discuss how events will proceed
Status: log/complete

I don't want to be married to the joker senator. )

[No Subject]

Who: Alec Tremont and Jimmy Banks
When: Sunday, June 13, 2096
Where: Jimmy's room
What: Alec has something to give Jimmy
Status: Closed, Complete

Alec went to Jimmy's room and knocked on the door. He'd seen him, and hid from him, earlier in the day. He'd spent the day trying to decide whether he wanted to see him, and whether he was drunk enough, or sober enough (he couldn't decide which was better), to face him.

He'd finally settled on sober, and showered and changed to make himself presentable. He waited for the door to open and thrust a small box at the other man. "I made you something," he said. "I've been drunk for two days."