October 13th, 2013

[info]i_cantsmile in [info]we_connect

Abe's abilities

I wanted to clearly define Abe's abilities in my own taking of them before I interact with too many people.

While Abe does have the ABILITY to know the most prominent things about a person's history with a touch or proximity to the person he does not exercise this ability much. And he will not unless I think it would be cool for plot and I get YOUR OKAY before proceeding.

Abe does not get into your character's head. He simply senses the emotional energy of your character as if it were another available color in the color spectrum. And similar to a sound that you are not listening to Abe is liken to treat your character's history and emotion as background noise.

He does not read thoughts. He does not telepathically communication. He is not a psychic and cannot predict the future. He has an acute empathic skill that provides him emotional information (which he probably uses to learn the most acceptable way to socialize with your character beyond any specific emotions) and the ability to know the history of the most prominent events in your characters life/an item your character owns with touch (if he wants)

You are more than free to communicate with me before or during a thread to discuss limitations OR what you'd like Abe to sense, if anything.



I'm kidding, he doesn't!

Or does he...



*Cannon indicates no...but wouldn't that be kinda cool?