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December 29th, 2013

[info]i_figure in [info]we_coexist

First step is accepting there's a problems? (narrative)

Fred went home after making her wish, made a quick call to her favorite taco and cookie place - they weren't the same though that would have been an interesting idea - and settled in to attempt contacting Annie...again.

She worked late into the night and soon felt a little..grimy. Or dry. It was a weird thing to feel out of the blue, but she didn't question, just took a quick shower and lotioned up. That didn't seem to work, nor did turning up her heater. It was a strange thing, but she just suspected she was coming down with some 24-48 hour bug.

Rather than trying to contact Annie, as guilty as she felt doing it, Fred went to bed, curling up in her covers. She slept a very odd sleep. It didn't feel...normal, yet she felt like a new woman when she woke up.

It took her sometime to finally start to stretch and come completely to. The way her bedding stuck and clung, she wondered if she hadn't broken a fever or some such. She stretched a little more and let out a soft croak. Yes, she was sick, just listen to that sound.

She rolled out of bed and winced at the sound she made when she thudded on the ground. That wasn't pleasant. The fact that she didn't feel well enough to stand on her legs, well, that said so much. It was a good thing she'd avoided the party - she'd have gotten others sick surely. Oddly though, she didn't feel sick. Confined, out of place, but not sick.

She crawled awkwardly toward the bathroom. It took some doing to get the light on, and even more doing to figure out why she was still a little low to the ground. Sure, she was crawling, but she didn't understand why the sink was at such an odd level. A little levering, a little more croaking, and she managed a peek in the mirror.

The sound that came out of that mouth and the way the body moved, soon stick to the wall, was a little much for the brainy female to take. Another look in the mirror, and she opted for blacking out for a moment. There was no way she was looking at a black and purple creature. No. She'd be fine on the floor for a little while.

[info]i_riddle in [info]we_coexist

Friendly Encounters (Logan)

(Note: Adult Content Warning)

Effie hummed as she moved through the woods, absently collecting flowes for the tower. Yes, she could have simply gone to Di's shop, but she wanted something more...wild. She blushed as she thought the word, toying with the ends of her hair. It had been a few days since she had seen Logan, but she couldn't stop thinking about the man...and not only because he seemed to have a hate on for her husband.

She tried to banish the thought of him again, kneeling to pluck another flower, not realizing she was in fact coming closer and closer to Logan's cabin, hissing as she cut herself on a thorny bush. "Owe..." she whispered.